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The King of Hearts: Seducing The Mafia Don

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1228    |    Released on: 03/02/2025


ce the door shut close. I stared down at the thi

r pulling off the plan of luring him in, by pretending to b

so ruggedly handsome. His pale face held that strength to it

omething. And did I regret sleeping with him

the bathroom. It was time to wash up,

by how beautiful it looked. I hadn't rented a condo. Dante wasn't fool

ased. Although I didn't know

thout appearing to. I'd tried hacking int

could finally drop a harmless virus, and

was find the perfect p

I strolled along the large brightened hallway

n closet in the large bedroom, which

good. L

ug Fausto had been high on, when he pushed me out on this mission. I hated pretense. I h

he same voice that'd grunted and groaned out of pleasure, last night. The same voice that'd spurred me on, by whispering 'goo

fresh cleanly shaved face, Dante could give a male model a run fo

r that, West.' I heard Fausto's cold voice in my head. When

as I stood a safe distance from him. I

ith a finger, and

ave." He said, na

, at our proximity. I c

nfusing an appropriate amount of softnes

handled. Just act all scared, and submissive,

ughts. If I hadn't realized who I was dealing with before, I finally di

most powerful 'Ndranghe

crossed his face. It wasn't after he let go of m

I felt vulnerable, like he could see right through me. Like he could tell I wasn't who I was pretending t

lace to stay. Like you said, you want to even out thing

short while, before he brok

step forward, makin

ould know her place." An annoying smirk plastered its

re's a woman's p

ered his head, just to my eye

aking care of his house, and children. S

gly, I almost burst into laughter. Could

you're familiar with, in Italy, then you must be mistaken." Eve

place was in a man's house? Sure, I could prove

swift move. Instincts kicked in, and I almost dodg

nade-" He began,

s West."

r life, with just a flick of my finger. Aren't you afrai

aid. All I wanted to do, was hit the assho

n't be that bad." I forced the w

ou stay. But you have to answer my questi


ew I wouldn't be able to pull off such a swift move. I was

don't look like a plain woman." His touch scorched my skin, through the coat, and I was more disma

trying to say?

waist, he bent and whisp

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