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The Alliance of Wolves

Chapter 5 Chapitre 5

Word Count: 1101    |    Released on: 02/02/2025

e air, but palpable in the atmosphere. The horizon, still clea

avy with the promise of destruction. Each passing moment brought them closer to chaos, to the point of no return. Clara knew it, she could feel it. T

ned to the scouts' reports. He was prepared, but she knew that fear had taken hold inside him, masked by an appearance of control. He was doing everything

chest. She didn't have the luxury of staying in the shado

than she had expected. "My father's lands will not be lo

her words there was a strength he had not anticipated. He had expected her to tremble, to collapse under the weight of the situation. But she

ritory?" he asked, almost to

tation. "If we do nothing, we lose

fragile Clara he had met, the one who seemed like a pawn in a game she didn't want to play. No, this Clara had

. "I will trust you. But you must understand that things will not be sim

tor of her own destiny. She went to the map room, where plans were spread out on the table. The routes, the strategic points, the weaknesses. This was where the war would be played out.

u know how the terrain works here. We have weaknesses, points that could

theast. It's easier to hide there, but also easier to get trapped there. We s

ations of his words. "Interesting. You might be ri

antage," Clara replied, a defiant glint in her

e had to take the lead. And suddenly, a bigger idea formed in her mind. If the enemy thought that Clara's pack and Elias'

broken, but at the same time, a little more incline

ey had hoped. Much of their strategy had been based on the idea that they could maneuver with finesse. But uncertainty was ever-present.

, but the air was not enough to soothe the torments that were eating away at him. He sat on the edge of his bed, his hands clenched, his gaz

t unreal beauty. But it was in the shadow of that same moon that his own brother, Aurel, was plotting his betrayal. He knew tha

everything. She could hate him, or worse, think he was an imposter. But he had no ch

the shadows to overthrow him. And if he could

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