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The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes

Chapter 3 The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

Word Count: 5764    |    Released on: 19/11/2017

he starting-point of so many remarkable adventures. He looked round him at the scientific charts upon the wall, the acid-charr

t very wise and tactful page, who had helped a little to fill up the gap of lonel

ly. You don't change, either. I h

solicitude at the clos

in bed and asl

Dr. Watson was sufficiently familiar with the irregularity

s a case,

inner, and he eats nothing. 'When will you be pleased to dine, Mr. Holmes?' Mrs. Hudson asked.

illy, I

oman. Fairly took me in, he did, and I ought to know his ways by now." Billy pointed with a grin to

s it all ab

s of State. "I don't mind telling you, sir, but it shou


etary both sitting on that very sofa. Mr. Holmes was very nice to them. He soon put the


I've nothing against the Home Secretary, who seemed a civil, obliging sort of man, but I can't stand his Lordship. Neit


s knows whatever

Cantlemere will be confounded. But I say, Bill

ere three days ago. We've go

the drapery which screened

wn and all, the face turned three-quarters towards the window and downward, as though reading an invis

ifelike. I wouldn't dare touch it if the blind were not do

hing of the so

ooked out into the street. "There are folk who watch us from over yon

rm of Holmes emerged, his face pale and drawn, but his step and bearing as active a

y boy, and I can't do without you just yet. Well, Watson, it is good to

I ga

roblem, Watson. How far am I justif

of what,

I'm expecting some



u are jokin

ot? Is alcohol permitted? The gasogene and cigars are in the old place. Let me see you once more in the customary armchair

hy not

you must admit that what your digestion gains in the way of blood supply is so much lost to the brain.

s danger

name and address of the murderer. You can give it to Scotland Yard, with my love and a parting blessing. Sylvi

taken by Holmes and was well aware that what he said was more likely to be under-statem

. I have nothing to

fibbing to your other vices. You bear every sign of

es. But can't you have

ould. That's what

hy don

't know where

me - the missi

ot got the stone. What is the use of taking them? We can make the world a better place

unt Sylvius one

d fellow, Sam, but the Count has used him. Sam's not a shark. He is a great b

this Count

ally picked up my parasol for me once. 'By your leave, madame,' said he - half-ltalian, you know, and with the Southern g

have bee

tty bit of work, as I understand, and I rather fancy it is in the opposite window at the present moment. Have you seen the dummy

a card upon a tray. Holmes glanced at it

heard of his reputation as a shooter of big game. It would indeed be a triumphant ending to his excellent

or the

glance carefully out of the window, Watson, and

ily round the edg

one rough fello

aithful but rather fatuous Sam.


m up whe


he room, show him


was closed, and then he turne

ble. This is a desperate man, who sticks a

not be s

pon staying

be horribly


r fellow -

n't possibl

d to play the game. I am sure you will play it to the end. Th

a cab to Scotland Yard and give this to Youghal of the C. I. D

o that

. "I think we will go out through the bedroom. This second exit is exceedingly useful. I rather wan

ng pin, and glittering rings were flamboyant in their effect. As the door closed behind him he looked round him with fierce, startled eyes, like one who suspects a trap at every turn. Then he gave a violent start as he saw the impassive head and the collar of the dressing-gown which projected above the armchair in the window. At first his expression was

it, Count! Do

oaded cane once more, as if he would turn his violence from the effigy to the original; but there

the image. "Tavernier, the French modeller, made it. He is as

sir! What d

to put your revolver out also? Oh, very good, if you prefer to sit upon it. Your visi

, with heavy, thr

, Holmes. That is why I am here. I won't de

s leg on the ed

dea of the sort in your head," said he

way to annoy me. Because you have

res! I ass

em followed. Two can pla

u address me. You can understand that, with my routine of work, I should find myself on fam

r. Holme

e you you are mistaken

s laughed co

day there was an old sporting man. To-day it was

re he was hanged that in my case what the law had gained the stage ha

ou - you

corner the parasol which you so politely handed t

nown, you m

of it. We all have neglected opportunities to deplor

"What you say only makes the matter worse. It was not your agents but

You used to shoot


t w

- the exciteme

to free the coun


ns in a n

, and his hand involuntarily

was another, more practical, rea

back in his chair


ow about the matter and how far my removal is absolutely essential. Well, I should say that, from your point of

pray, what is t

Crown diamo

h, you want to know that, do you? How the dev

, and yo


contracted and lightened until they were like two menacing points of ste

, you see where

, and then pointed a derisive finger. "

it not

reasonable we can do busines

yes to the ceiling. "And you

-player who meditates his crowning move. Then he thre

what I keep i

ir, I



here - every action of you

Count with blazing eyes. "Th

death of old Mrs. Harold, who left you the Bly

re dre

ife history of Miss

ll make noth

in de-luxe to the Riviera on February 13, 1892. Here is

're wron

re a card-player. When the other fellow has all t

lk to do with the jew

umdrum fashion. I have all this against you; but, above all, I have a clear ca


away. I have the commissionaire who saw you near the case. I have Ikey Sande

hands were clenched in a convulsion of restrained emotion.

all upon the table. But one card is missing. It's th

ver sha

ond? None in the world. But if you hand it over - well, I'll compound a felony. We don't want you or Sam. We want the stone. Give that up, and so far as I am concerned y

f I re

- it must be you

eared in answ

onference. After all, his interests should be represented. Billy, you will

on't com

th him. If you tell him that Count Syl

do now?" asked the Coun

m that I had a shark and a gudgeon in my net; now

was behind his back. Holmes held something half

ie in your b

it is more likely to be perpendicular than horizontal. But these anticipations of the fu

enacing eyes of the master criminal. Holmes's figu

e not use it, even if I gave you time to draw it. Nasty, noisy things, revolvers, Count. Better stick to air-guns. Ah!

oor, looking about him with a puzzled expression. Holmes's debonair manner was a new experience, and though he v

t's this fellow want? What's up?

s shoulders, and it w

tshell, Mr. Merton, I sh

dressed his remark

e funny, or what? I'm not

ime. I'm going into that bedroom. Pray make yourselves quite at home in my absence. You can explain to your friend how the matter lies without the restraint of my presence. I shall try ove

. A few moments later the long-drawn, wailing notes of that most ha

xiously as his companion turned to

uch about it. I'm not sure tha

xer's sallow face t

ers has sp

him down a thick 'un fo

h. We've got to make up

sly at the bedroom door. "He's a leary cove tha

istening with th

his room." As he looked round he suddenly saw for the first time the eff

ly a dummy,"

saud ain't in it. It's the living spit of h

sting our time, and there is none too

euce h

ip if we only tell h

? Give up a hundr

e or the

hed his short

him in. If his light were out w

t shook

y in a place like this. Besides, it's likely enough that the p

Both men sprang round, but all was quiet. Save for the one str

guv'nor, you've got the brains. Surely you can think a w

et pocket. I take no chances leaving it about. It can be out of England to-night an

Seddar was go

t boat. One or other of us must slip round

lse bottom

th the sense of danger which becomes an instinct with the sportsman, he paused and look

us if he can get the stone. Well, we'll promise him the stone. We'll put him on the wrong track abou

to me!" cried Sam

ll him that the stone is in Liverpool. Confound that whining music; it gets on my nerves! By the time he finds it isn't in L

you dare

d take it out of Whitehall someone else

ave a lo

lance at his associate and disregarded the u

tch it off you? See here, mister, I

arrel. Come over to the window if you want to see t

nk y

e held it now in one hand, while his other pointed a revolver at the Count's head. The two villains

er the furniture! It must be very clear to you that your po

erment overmastere

e deuce -?"

fancied that you must have heard me when I displaced the figure, but luck was on my side. It gave me a chance of l

e a gesture o

lmes. I believe you a

ny rate," Holmes answer

ated the situation. Now, as the sound of heavy steps c

I say, what about that bloo

rfectly right. Let it play! These modern

cab. Watson lingered with Holmes, congratulating him upon this fresh leaf added to his laurel


mes. "He is an excellent and loyal person, but rather of the old regime. Shall we make him unbend?

-Victorian whiskers of a glossy blackness which hardly corresponded with the rounded

chilly for the time of year, but rather

ou; I will not

hand insistently

would assure you that these changes

k himself free wi

to stay. I have simply looked in to know ho

icult - ver

at you would

neer in the old courti

. Holmes, but at least it cures us o

have been muc


e point. Possibly y

ay. I thought that you had your own all-suffi

e can no doubt frame a case

have cau

n is - how shall we proce

ot rather

ady. Now, what would you regard as

possession o

arrest him


e got as near it as his old

shall be under the painful nec

Some of the ancient fires flic

e no time or taste for foolish jokes. I may tell you frankly, sir, that I have never been a believer in your powers, and that I have always been of the opinion th

his position and was betw

th the Mazarin stone would be a more serious offen


he right-hand pocke

you mea

ome, do w

nding, blinking and stammering, with the

How is this

sh habit of practical joking. Also that I can never resist a dramatic situation. I took the liberty - th

om the stone to the sm

mes. Your sense of humour may, as you admit, be somewhat perverted, and its exhibition remarkably untim

ful result in the exalted circle to which you return will be some small atonement for my practical joke. Billy, you will

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