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The Defended Luna

Chapter 3 Chapitre 3

Word Count: 1138    |    Released on: 31/01/2025

s silently, and everything that follows c

d in an anguished breath. Aria trained under Erwan's impassive gaze, but she was no longer the same. Every movement, every gesture, every word seemed marked by th

's voice, a certain certainty that disturbed her. He was proposing a decision that she could not accept, a solution that she considered too risky.

he others had established around the table, and fixe

aid, her voice firm

d to her taking a stand. Usually, she just followed his orders, acce

slight smile on his lips, as if

breath, gathering

gy is too risky. There is an alternative that could allo

The other members of the pack, curious, exchanged glances, wondering if this moment marked the beginning of a confronta

oposing is the best option. There is no room for hesit

r. Each syllable struck him like a fist. But she didn't flinch.

ernative. I don't want to be just a follower.

figure casting a shadow on the table where Aria stood. He advanced towards her with a measured

world where every decision can cost us our lives, and you d

of will. Aria, her heart pounding, stood still. Every fiber of her

said, his voice as cold as ice. You're just a little protected wolf, Aria. You'

ont of the entire pack. His words hit her hard, and a bitter taste rose in her throat. She wanted to scream, to answer, but nothing came out. The others watched

to the discussion, but before he could get

ing that you know what it's like to be a real wolf

d, and a dull rage boiled inside her, a mixture of frustration and shame. He had reduced her to nothing, in front of everyone. It was

gled any attempt to breathe. Aria knew that everyone had seen it. They had seen the

ge of the camp, where the forest stretched out, quiet, silent. There, she finally let herself go, tears falling without he

with everything she had failed to say, everything she had wante

o longer let Erwan treat her like a child. She would prove it, no matter what. She would do a

of the forest, that the day would come when Erwan's gaze would change. She would never again be invisible

who would dominate her. It would b

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