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Echoes beneath the canopy

Chapter 2 Gathering Storms

Word Count: 1309    |    Released on: 30/01/2025

wo: Gathe

hered in small groups to weave baskets or share news. But beneath the surface of the bustling life in Elara, an undercurrent of unease began

knee-deep in the shallow waters near the beach, her sleeves rolled up and a clip

her shoulder. "Some of the coral is fragil

nd, his gaze shifting between the vibrant underwater world and Lina's focu

t her lips. "If I don't lecture, who will? Besides, thi

is bleaching," she explained. "It happens when the water temperature rises and th

ned. "Can

he conditions improve. Otherwise, it d

g frustration. Lina had always been passionate about her work,

ecting samples while Tariq sketched the coral and the surrounding marine life. By the tim


ered around one of the elders, who was gesturing animatedly. Tariq recognized him

espected the ways of the ocean. These changes are natural cycles, nothin

e crowd. Tariq could see the conflict in her eyes-she wante

his tone laced with sarcasm. "Tell us, Lina, what do your books and gadgets

ughter from the crowd, t

e tides or summon fish," she said. "But they can help us understand what's happening to the co

ossed his arms, his expression skeptical. "Adapt? Our ancestors didn't ne

is warmer, the coral is bleaching, and the fish are disa

ort, but Marama's voice cut

r gaze sweeping over the villagers. "Lina speaks with the voice of knowledge, but

ge is not easy for those who have lived by the same

er that the ocean does not stay the same. It

to disperse, though Kofi's expression remained sour. Lina l

the ocean for its lessons. But remember, it


waves. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, and

itted, breaking the silence. "No matter how much evid

lly when it challenges what people have always known. But Marama's right-you nee

ake the feeling that time is running out.

racing patterns in the sand. "Maybe we need to find a different way to reach t

m, her brow furro

q admitted. "But I'l


inable practices. They started with the children, teaching them about the importance of the coral reefs and how to car

iasm and Tariq's quiet determination made them a formidable team, an

thing unusual. A small section of the mangroves they had planted the week be

s?" Lina asked wh

sn't want change

let this stop us. If anything, i

nifesting in subtle acts of sabotage and whispered rumors. Tariq found himse


al spot by the beach. He had been working on a drawing of the coral reef, trying to captur

his mind: "The ocean sp

of the waves wash over him. He thought about the coral, the fish

carried on the breeze, an


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