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Author: SYAH


Word Count: 767    |    Released on: 25/02/2025

garden with her maids Bai xi a

ust return immedia

e that" Feng Jin said and they

miss" They sa

he knew it was her fault for being ob

e Emperor neared th

bers this night,you must prepare"

immediately"Lin wei said ea

mperor or me? " Feng

oung miss' They

hem once more before

th Scented oil,flowers,makeup and her royal

bers said from outside and the doors immediately p

ediately went

n li commanded and

reet your Emperor" Gu Yuan l

me here" Feng Ji

ome to you when I need someone to serve m

hands you used to kill the entire Feng

court,don't add to it" Gu yuan l

Feng Jin said drawing out her hair

the emperor of this na

brothers,why can't I kill you

for that statement" Gu Yua

y hands roam my body" Feng Jin said

Gu yuan li commanded supportin

cian,have him save her by

i said to Feng Jin before Putting her aw

bers,Gu Yuan li pac

quest an audience" The head

nter"Gu Yua

d" Meng jiu greeted

" he r

at the concubine Jin Chambers

uble for me till the very

inish her off? "

y thing that is putting the peo

death look natural

much" Gu Yuan li

you of your worries Your

ot harmed" Gu y

ning since young,she will try

nd,she will come for you

ess out" Gu yu

e concubine Jin be ? " Meng jiu personal m

ve planned for that we

see her Bai xi and Lin we

re fine now"

i xi replied and Feng

turally trusted them because they had been with her

mmand,young lady "

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