My Neighbor's Wife
Mark, tells me, and something at the back of my mind tells me this is important, yet, all I c
He's hit
Dante, was a pushy bastard sometimes. While the HQ is situated at Milan, we'd recently branched out into LA and I'm here to oversee the start and growth of this branch
grumpy jerk who had little to no value for human life and it was making the work environment hostile. Ho
But, unfortunately, no one shares my sentiments-or lack of-and I'm stuck with these thir
hould fire them all.
wed by a tortured scream. My employees shift uncomfortably, and Darcy, a well-mannered woman in he
suddenly irritated. They had fights inside their home all the time. Never outside. Never this close to the
ed in disapproval. Darcy looks like she's upset or ate something bad. Fuck
nate to be in control. Outside my turf, there's a vulnerability I try to squash. I try to have as much control as I can over my schedule, m
m it into the white gate twice. I'm neve
enly drowned out by the howling wind. Minutes trickle by and I grit my teeth as I c
all button, the towering black gate slides to the left and I am greeted with hard blue
eavily and scratch wounds line his arms. My gaze flicks to the house
slips from him, one he tries so hard to cover with laughter. "M
road forehead. "You're bleeding." Sh
her. "Susanna plays rough. You understand how these women are-" Just then, she runs out from the sliding door, heading straight for me. Her left eye is
im. But before I can make that mistake, he catches her around her waist, laughing and kissin
ed body from me as he says, "It's a kink of hers." His
ake my eyes off her
been punched shut beseeches me. P
de to my wife on her death bed that I wouldn't return to that life. The life where I was untouchable, invincible. I still am, to an exten
make a point not to look at the
woman says hastily, "Would you care
e tries to mask it with another smarmy smile. However, my eyes aren't on him. They're on his wife and her grey eye that sea
in her own wo
head to the side. "I must decline your offer, but thank you. I have plans." Plans, loads of work, same differenc
displeasure. A proud creature with pretty feathers, this one. While she may spend her days o
ge smile lift her lips.
I did the right thing. But a much bigger thought o
r name. Sus