ween themselves about useless, trivial stuff, and Ethan sat clutching Floppy in silence. It was weird not having Beau pacing round the table like he always did, looking for crumbs.I
en more backward than mine, apparently-didn't have a phone, or even a computer. Talk about living in the Dark Ages. Rob and I made our plans at school, or sometimes he would just show up outside my window, having walked the two miles to my house. It was a total pain in the ass, som
tomorrow. I could
he kitchen, and I didn't want to vent about grown-up stup
k on the door, and Eth
up on the bed, swipin
forehead, and his right arm wa
ip trembled, and he hiccuped, wiping his eyes
gled into my lap, rabbit and all. "They didn't want Be
rt me," he insisted. "Beau was trying to save me from the man in the closet." Monsters again? I sighed, wanting to dismiss it, but a part of me hesitated. Wh
too old to believe in monsters. And it was high time Ethan grew up, as well. He was a smart
bably start bawling, and I didn't want to upset him after all he'd gone through to
ch thing as m
vers. "I've seen them. They talk to me. They say the king wa
wasn't going to change his mind. And I really didn't want a temper tantrum in my room right now. "Okay, fine," I relente
Ethan said, as if i
h the gravest expression I'd ever seen on a kid. "But Floppy says you can see them.
t and th
or, and her silhouette appeared in the fram
d and offered a tent
han, honey, time to
Ethan hopped down to pad across the room, draggi
Daddy?" I heard him ask, h
so. Just for
d away down the hall, an
ream, the rabbit was speaking to me, words that were grave and terrifying, filled with danger. It wanted to warn me, or it w
y, and wet. For a moment, a heavy weight pressed at the back of my mind, though I didn't know
, I thought, burrowi
the rest of the w
ed her and curled up farther into the covers. Resentment simmered as I thought of poor Beau, carted off to the pound.
d Mom, poking her head in the room. Her tone was ma
d from beneath the covers. "I don't
Mom came into the room, and I peeked at her
ng her arms. "I was going to take you to get a lear
uess I don't feel all that bad. I'll
shook her head as
go to the license bureau together. That sound like a good birthday present?" I barely heard her. I was too busy ra
creaked open again. Ethan peeked in the doorway, his ha
shed back my hair. "Wha
per. Bright crayon drawings decorated the front; a smiley-faced s
said, quite pleased with hi
y smiled back: stick figures of Mom and Luke, me and Ethan holding hands, and a four-legged c
than asked, watc
you. Here, why don't you put it on the fridge,
d, and I felt my heart get a little bit lighter
it today?" Robbie asked as the bus pulled
We won't have to depend on the bus, or spend another
"I won't have my license yet. Knowing Mom, it'll be another sixteen years befo
n unexpected chill through me. I reme
the Mist and the gla
, I had no idea what
came striding toward me. Scott. My stomach twisted, and I gazed around for a suitabl
ond hair falling in unruly waves and curls on his forehead. For some reason, he seemed nervous today, running hi
," I wh
y. It was uncalled-for. I'm sorry."For a moment, I didn't understand what he was saying. Ta been expecting threats, taunts, or accusations.
t abo
got it all out in a rush. "Do you want to eat lunch with me this afternoon?" My heart pounded. Butterflies swarmed madly in my stomach, and my feet felt like th
football buddies stood a few feet away,
for the
e to his side. I blinked up at him, stunned, as my heart began racing around my chest. He
nd trotted off toward the school with one final wink. The cameraman chuckled and
my face and I whooped, leaping into the air. Scott Waldron wanted to see me! He wanted to have lunch with me, ju
ing lot, I felt eyes on me. Turning, I saw Robbi
chool, I saw a hint of something on his face: a long muzzle, slitted eyes, a tongue lolling out between pointed fangs. M
so w
ked inside the school. Robbie followed, laughing, pulling a
at Robbie, looking for that eerie, predator
sque comment from my English teacher to
dred miles a minute. Scott was waiting for me in the cafeteria.
ace with Robbie, s
k you if you don't stop doing that!
ing. "This is bad, I can feel it. Jockstrap is up to something- he and his buddies were hanging around the yearbook department for a long time after he talked to you. I
crossed his arms, daring me to contradi
een enough of hi
napped, making his eyebrows arch. "And I can take care of myself, okay? Quit butting in where you're not wanted." Hurt glimmered briefly, but
, I flounced out of the r