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Caged by my Brother in-law

Chapter 4 The silent struggle

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 25/01/2025

struggle she was unable to discuss. Every interaction with Kunle served as a reminder of the peril c

ting preoccupied whenever he called. However, escape was not always feasible. Her pu

oup activities at school. Her declining grades and waning passion were noted by her teachers. One after

and said, "I'm fine,

empts to persuade her to open up. During lunch one day, she said, "Amak

', Tayo. All I'm trying to do i

ispered softly, "You can talk to me, yo

the weight of her misery. But she was slowed down by fear. What if she wasn't believed by

because she was preoccupied with her job and domestic duties. Amaka frequently looked at her siste

tchen while pretending to require help or offering to aid with her homework, he kept fi

the market. "Amaka, could you please assist me with the st

r, but she knew she couldn't say no without drawing suspicion. "I'm sorry, Un

days, you're always busy," he observed in a somewha

ut she didn't respond. She felt a wave of relief, but it passed qu

uring those moments, making excuses to go inside her room or hang out in the hallways.

table moment, was her main source of consolation. She found solace in writin

avily. She had trouble falling asleep since she kept having dreams about Kunle's app

changes. "You're not eating right, Ama

hastily. "I just have a l

n speak, aren't you?" Wit

she answered, "I know

very day as a result of the quiet battle. She yearned for someone to come to he

empowering Kunle. She had to figure out how to defend herself, but she was paralyzed by

unle's actions in another way if she was unable to speak up openly. She made the decision to begin gathering evi

e started observing Kunle's behavior more intently, taking note of all the offensive remarks and ge

urt or the anxiety, it was a step in the right direction toward taking back her authority and voice. She was unsure

hope for the first time in weeks, but the fight was far from over. No matter how long it took or how difficult it was,

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1 Chapter 1 The new home2 Chapter 2 Unspoken Shadows3 Chapter 3 The initial breach4 Chapter 4 The silent struggle5 Chapter 5 Looking for comfort6 Chapter 6 Proof in the dark7 Chapter 7 Breaking the silence8 Chapter 8 Kunle's downfall9 Chapter 9 Justice served10 Chapter 10 A new dawn11 Chapter 11 The Release of Kunle12 Chapter 12 Raising a Happy Family13 Chapter 13 A fresh start for Ada14 Chapter 14 The Strength in Family15 Chapter 15 Kunle's Reflection in Prison16 Chapter 16 Letters of Regret17 Chapter 17 The Road to Redemption18 Chapter 18 A Second Chance at Fatherhood19 Chapter 19 Amaka's Strength and Forgiveness20 Chapter 20 Family Ties Rebuilt21 Chapter 21 Lessons Passed On22 Chapter 22 A Happy and Strong Family23 Chapter 23 The Quiet Struggle24 Chapter 24 Distant Hearts25 Chapter 25 Unspoken Pain26 Chapter 26 The Weight of Expectations27 Chapter 27 A Glimpse of Comfort28 Chapter 28 Unexpected Encounters29 Chapter 29 Conflicted Emotions30 Chapter 30 The Burden of Solitude31 Chapter 31 The Silent Cry for Change32 Chapter 32 The Neighbors Influence33 Chapter 33 The Catalyst for Reflection34 Chapter 34 Seeking counseling35 Chapter 35 An Honest Conversation36 Chapter 36 The Roadblocks of Change37 Chapter 37 The Unexpected Offer38 Chapter 38 The Mediation39 Chapter 39 The Counsel Begins40 Chapter 40 Dismissed Advice41 Chapter 41 Seeds of Conflict42 Chapter 42 The Silent Rift Widens43 Chapter 43 Esther's Concern Deepens44 Chapter 44 Isolation in Anger45 Chapter 45 The Breaking Point46 Chapter 46 A Desperate Escape47 Chapter 47 The Tragic Accident