ing over the printed report in front of her. The room was silent except for the occasional rustle of paper as she turned a page. What she had in her
en the absence of solid evidence didn't quell her unease. The Russo name c
emingly devoted to Andrew, but there was something about her that didn't sit right. Eve
m and disarming. She moved effortlessly between conversations, drawing laughter and admirat
ix of pride and adoration. He turned to Ri
?" Andrew said, his voice fi
s enthusiastic. "She's certainly something. B
. "What are yo
"you've known her, what, six months? And now you're en
ard. It's not about time-it's about connectio
rly unconvinced, but h
ersation was light-plans for the wedding, charity events, and the future of Remington Ind
w subtly sharper, probing
y goods," Evelyn began, her tone casual but her g
tiny. "My father has investments in textiles, fashion, and jewelry manufa
brother? Dante, was it? Does h
eacup. "Yes, Dante oversees many of the operatio
entioned working alongside your fath
istics," Sophia replied smoothly. "
s had drawn Andrew's attention. He glanced between the tw
tly, "you're grilling Sophia
curious, darling. It's not every day my young
r chest felt tight. Evelyn's curiosi
rs Sophia had given were polished, almost too polished, as if they had been rehears
nd his connections in Europe. I want names, dates
ng one final line: "Di
sparkled faintly in the moonlight, a symbol of the life she was trying desperately to hold onto. But Evelyn's questions had shaken
d Sophia hesitated before picking it up.
rafted her reply: "Everything is going as planned."
s brief but troubling. Matteo Russo's business dealings were clean on paper, but there w
nt incidents in southern Italy. Nothing was concrete, but Evely
would continue digging, and when the time came, she would be ready