I cant breathe without you
ersion and placed my order after she handed me the menu. However, while I waited, I noticed something unexpected. John was laughing loudly and carelessly while seated across from
amiliar face. I wished I had brought my friends, someone who could have confronted him and helped him see the light. Ultimately, though, it was just me. And I had to deal with it. Desperate to get through to him and help him understand, I tried begging him, lowering my voice. "Please, John. I have no idea what's happening. Let's discuss whether or not I did something incorrectly. We have gotten engaged. I'm familiar with your family. You are known to my family. Don't do this, please. We've spent so much time together. This isn't how it should finish. For a brief while, his expression softened as though he felt sorry for me. However, something changed in his gaze when he turned to see the woman on the other side. His face grew stern. The sympathy had vanished. His anger was now audible across the restaurant as he increased his voice with a finality look. "Cease immediately. Simply go. Do you not realize that you're creating a commotion?" He took the woman's hand and left before I could reply, leaving me standing there completely alone. I was burnt by strangers' looks. I felt like a crazy ex-girlfriend and a fool. Nevertheless, the shame seemed like a weight on my chest, nearly tangible. I desired to vanish. Abruptly, the light headedness came back. The room felt like it was spinning, and I started to lose my footing. Before a hard hand caught my waist and steadied me, I nearly fell. I glanced up and recognized Juliet's face in my hazy vision. She was there with Sandra at her side, helping me stand. They had been keeping an eye on me to make sure I was alright. They worked together to get me home. The trip was a blur, and while I held on to my friends, tears ran down my cheeks. Their consoling presence was a gentle light in my otherwise gloomy world, and they remained with me. John and I had parted ways after a month of being apart. Reluctantly, I carried on with my life, but I made the decision to put myself first. It was time to prioritize myself, and I started to accept the shift gradually. I put myself into the job hunt, going to interview after interview with different organizations i