e darkness. A cool breeze brushed against his face, but it did little to calm the turmoil inside him. Macus had always been a man of ambition. Since he was young, he had dreamed of power of being more than just a brother to the king . But the years of loyalt
t would bring the throne to me he said and still yet the q
hin. He had sacrificed too much, stayed in the shadows too long
would change everything, he heard a soft knock on
onspirators, a man who had long served in the palace but had grown disillusioned with Al
an whispered, his v
e perfect time. Alaric will be at his weakest, distracted by the celebration
allies, planting seeds of doubt among the palace guards and nobles, speaking in whispers where no one could hear. He
e before him. "You have
. Once we make our move, we will have t
ere are no mistakes. We strike during the full moon, when Alaric is distrac
usted ally, but he was weak in his eyes. Always devoted to his wife , always loyal to lyanna and his kingdom. But loyalty was
le that would soon take place. His body tensed with excitement. He would
that had been simmering for weeks was growing more apparent, but there were no clear signs of a re
ence he needed. He trusted his advisors, but now, doubt had started to seep into his thoughts. His ey
ly. "Your Majesty, there are murmurs among the servants. They speak of your brother-
now, confirmed by the guard, brought an uncomfortable sense of unease. Macus, his
concern. "If you see anything suspicious, report it immediately. But do
Macus, had always relied on him, but now... he didn't know who to trust anymore. His own bro
he had sensed something was wrong for weeks, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Her husband, Alaric, had starte
yes, the way he spoke with such conviction about the future it made her uneasy. He was her br
s assurances had done little to calm her suspicions. And now, Alaric was investigating the unrest
gnore the loyalty he felt toward them. But what if the suspicions about Macus
would be his moment of triumph, the moment when he would seize the throne from Alaric. He had made his choice, and
Macus had laid his trap, and the full moon would bring