Maria Theresa
of the Empress Maria Th
ouncil, awaited the en
to open t
at political question w
be reflected in the fac
red together in the d
ture of dark velvet ta
ous looks of
om stood the Baron von B
owerful statesmen who
nfidence of the empres
nowledged by all, whi
hispered of
face of Bartenstein a
he was at no pains to
ld fluttered a smile of
," whispered Bartenst
eaties, and continue t
th such brilliant r
turned Uhlfeld. "She
so long as she pursue
rom his eyes such a gl
from the recess of a n
al favorites, were
to the other, "see ho
ws already what the dec
n accordance with his w
s upon h
replied Count Collor
e opinions of the lor
e more readily, that I
tion which is to come
t our last sitting that
. I think, therefore t
von Uhlfeld – that i
t Harrach, does not ent
or me," sighed he. "
He will be, as it ever
ho will be heard from
and so be the means o
nder crafty and a
ward the massive table
leather armchairs of t
do followed the glance
xpression, rested upo
as seated in one of th
papers that lay before
nd elegant proportion
y with the dark manl
her members of the cou
face; not the shadow o
en the lovely mouth it
and care are wont to
, however, was wanting
ssion. Those delicate
emotion stirred the com
ver the high, marble b
eyes was as calm, cold,
ng man, with Medusa-l
m Maria Theresa had lat
eat in her ca
Colloredo were direct
erve them, and went
n of the s
whispered Colloredo,
s the absurd hope of a
that a few days ago
re affectionate missi
and I know too that yes
t is his fixed idea, a
into a new line of po
of Fr
e best cure that I kno
ed he, "and we will
Kaunitz had slowly ra
ested with such an ic
that the frightened
me!" murmured Collo
urther time for reflect
ing to the private apa
he lord high steward an
the table, and in res
erial e
eard; and the the quic
s to accompany the empr
r, and to close th
ic figure of the empres
, and inclined their he
with light elastic step
noiselessly closed th
owledged the salutatio
l subjects, who, in o
ch prevailed at the A
ntil the sovereign had
d bent his head with
gain, and he at least
s Kaunitz, the young
ng empress, and for
ny features. Maria T
r day. Though thirty-
was still beautiful,
r beauty. Her high, t
of blond hair, which
one rich mass, was the
eyes, were of that pecu
the soul' at one time
darkest and most fl
at pride; but every l
ting expression of a m
e so called Austrian
s usual with women, wa
t would have seemed to
ife of his own
beautiful empress c
n years before had sti
stood before them; and
sm which culminated in
Pro Rege
rians and they were ri
was the tender wife; t
ll that related to her
both in the scope of he
She was capable of s
owing them without
ices, both of which she
threatened interferenc
sense of duty
n of her character were
; and now she approach
forth from her countena
itz himself was overaw
up his col
orous voice she invited
reached out her hand
had prepared for
he papers, and laid th
she said in tones of
of gravest importanc
tion and advice. We
ture policy of Austria
eliberations to Austri
to expire. Time, whic
enemies, seems also to
re dying away; and the
xtinguish enmity or re
gland, Holland, and S
ed years France has bee
liance with the forme
atter? Let me have y
, Maria Theresa waved
ord chancellor arose
he head, respond
e to speak, I vote wit
ith the maritime powers
owers have been amicab
emity – when Louis XI
his ally, the Turkish
emies threatened Austr
the maritime powers a
he generous King of Pol
brave Sobieski saved
ck, while England an
ce thes days of Philip
revolt. To this allian
ll reigns over those
for Lombary; while Fra
of our territory, but
ion! No, your majest
ongs to Austria, Austr
t. See on the contrary
ded us! It w
rst withstand France a
old tha
y's coffers
onfirmed the prosper
alliance that advocat
It is but just that th
example to the world
integrity of the sover
e integrity o
t, and after him rose t
tenstein, who, in a lo
y to the suppo
and Harrach, and the l
animous for a renewal
roud nobles would ha
to the two powerful st
tein and Uhlfeld had
ue with those mariti
pled wealth had flowe
f the lords of the exc
te, it was a fundamen
of inquiry into the a
eneath the dignity of
refore, were responsi
e funds arising from
the majority of the Au
hile they argued and vo
them all, sat perfectly
n to the wise deductio
n straightening loose
is finger tips the tin
at. Once, while Bartens
carried his indifferen
was painted a portrait
he hour! The musical r
mpaniment to the dee
while Kaunitz, seemin
is ear and counted it'
isit the least manifest
cilors with open cen
d so exacting of its
gent today; for while K
, his imperial mistres
the fifth orator had s
e, Maria Theresa turne
of anxious and ap
all coldness and uncon
yes with the luster of
from his chair, he re
t seemed to crave forb
control over his emot
lf at
wal of our worn out al
a clear and determine
astonishment and disap
colleagues. The lord
mptuous shrug and a
and met both shrug and
y and slowly he repeat
as if to give time to
startling language. Th
d and Holland has lo
. If, in its earlier d
, dearly have we paid
buy it with fearful sac
moment have these two
en dependent upon thei
he growing power and
and vigorous career li
of our increasing we
eresa's reign – thes
the grave of the past,
of our prosperity, and
tyrannical commercial
well as foes. The clo
aty, and all the other
fty English to damag
acts have been made as
an power. Unmindful of
ve closed their ports
tch the Netherlands o
an spies, seeking to d
st the limits of our o
t to themselves accru
and North Seas
ly upon us, and its w
ix-la-Chapelle I had
knightly and arrogant
he sex and majesty of
erself, not long since
British envoy, who in
though they had been
censed at the tone of
I not ruler in the Ne
right of empire from
eresa, impetuously,
al traders has provoke
t them to insinuate of
avors from the hand o
f an empress-queen
that these proud alli
their a
he effect of these imp
ss. They quaked as th
ricken faces were pall
ged glances of amazeme
droit courtiers, fix
upon Kaunitz, in whom
g the rising luminar
ed his head and smile
ceased, and after a
ered equanimity: "Y
testify, in your own s
thern allies. It remai
rdinia, who held Lo
eus put his royal sign
han he turned to his c
him in Vienna): 'Lomba
t up, leaf by leaf, l
y of Sardinia has p
already swallowed se
It is true that this
that in his place rei
, in a burst of enthus
ll commit an act of in
ul of honor; still adde
incredulous smile,
geographers – and the
ir fondness for this v
too loving grasp of h
nds not only close the
r favors so heavily up
s before them. What h
dies? And Austria can n
h, powerful, prospero
dship where it will
freed from her oppres
as youth and vitality
the new path which shal
a moral and intangib
g Englishmen have no c
people of France ar
ends to us her hand, a
perating with France w
r two-edged sword we s
e, and make peace or
ural ally, for she is o
is our ally by the sac
me, who blesses the a
ly upon Austria's lea
we are one, the bless
ance. Religion, there
all for the trea
sa, rising quickly fr
iastic fire, "I vot
or alliance with Franc
to hear an Austrian
devotion he casts far
ncement. I tender him
his words
the moment, the empre
y seized it and pre
extraordinary scene
tein, so long the favo
le, and his lips were
ss a burst of rage. H
heads, while they turn
curry favor with
the dismayed faces ar
ons and her countenanc
her boundles
my soul, my life, all
th her beautiful eyes
dded, after a pause,
the Almighty. I have
stion of this day; and
at to do I w
ing salutation, and wi
left t
lords of the council
hey looked from one t
nitz alone seemed unemb
much unconcern as if n
his head and
of the Aulic Council d
or had given the signal
iolation of court etiq
n seemed crushed. With
and with eyes cast dow
together they left the
with hearts and be
ed silently to the
their late master
r closed, than the tw
Harrach. "Quenched l
ay are burnt to ashes!
t Bartens
n eleven years I
do, laughing, "had
ntertainment was all i
indisposition, and c
y proceeding," said H
feld and Bartenste
it. They have th
ou think it will
tz: so take my advice.
ut he has two weaknes
nt, the favorite of La
terhazy an Arabian wh
If I were you, I would
Who knows but what thes
pt you as