he noise from the street outside filled the air. She gazed out the window, watching the daily hustle and bustle of life, lost in thought. On her mind was everything that could make her lea
erish returned home, her mind wandered back to her dreams of independence and adventure. The Downey family, a middle-class household, took immense pride in providing education to all seven of their children, giving them the freedom to make their own decisions as adults. However, Cherish, the youngest, received special attention and was overly protected. In her second year of college, Cherish had a transformative experience. She made numerous friends among the new students in her hospitality management program. Initially, she was reluctant to study hospitality management, viewing it as a local course. Her true passion was mass communication, which would allow her to travel the world, search for news, and appear on TV shows. Unfortunately, her father had other plans. He preferred hospitality management, believing it would lead to a more stable career for women. He disliked mass communication, considering it a risky job. Cherish was heartbroken. "Why can't I have my dream course?" she cried out in her room. However, as she progressed in her studies