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Pregnant For The Wrong Man

Chapter 4 Suddenly engaged

Word Count: 1082    |    Released on: 21/01/2025

e we go and see Dad?" Claudia asked her big s


you going to get rid of

t aborting it felt like the hardest task in the world and she didn't want to do it. If only there

pressuring me," she

mum while he enjoys his life out there with another woman,

s very true, Deon was going to enjoy his life with Emily in anoth

can't do it right now, it can only

fast that woman can be, one look at you and she will know. An

n her. All the odds were against her and the only person who was supposed to be her support system had dumped her for another woman. It was sup

can we give this topic a rest for now?" she replied,

tra effort to look very good so no one would notice that anything was off. As they got to the bus stop to begin their jou

to talk about?" she asked her si

t hope it isn't anything related to Deon b

her head in

ed himself and hurried to open the door and let his girls into the foyer. H

the dining room when we get there, be very

d of yours, you are single in case anybody asks you anything? Do yo

ondering why he was givin

o the dining room. The girls exchanged confused g

ble he smiled, a sign that he was

as Nathan shook hands with them. Nathan was impressed with Ca

sked and Mr. Grant pointed at Carina,


th was going on, it looked like it w

ather and I have discussed an arranged marriage and in a few days you wi

an but she couldn't marry a man she ha

who? You?"

iled and said, "Not me miss, but someone

hook her head, "No, you don't know

, they are usually good for nothing, if they were any

ve some mercy." Claudia tried to defend her sister, but that only infuriated their

e you are making for your father and if you won't be of help to make my position more secure at work

ared at their father a little disappoi

n their father moved away, hoping that her father

or not," he said. "So just go and get ready, that's all you need to do. In 3 days Nathan will pick you up so you can meet Har

ys?" They

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