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One Night With Mr. CEO Becomes A Lifetime Game

Chapter 10 It Was Yesterday.

Word Count: 1846    |    Released on: 19/01/2025


. Since my kids became able to communicate clearly, they had always asked where their father was or he was. I'm ashamed to say I had fed them with lies

in their room and they believed me. They believed their Dad was a pilot and he had been away since mom's seventh month of pregnancy and hasn't returned home sin

questions star

dy now? Has he

written any new let

office and most times, they went along with me. There were always radiant smiles on their cute faces as we walk

a pilot. He would make promises to come see them the moment he was given leave at his workplace. I kept paying a certain guy to w

words penned down in paper and flown across the world to their neighborhood. I mean, if he could make out time to actuall

er. Mind we go pick it up, and

c reply. They had ou

hloe, woke me up and asked why I haven't cha

re these the only pictur

baby, but the moment daddy returns, I will ask him to t

f the other children heard about it. They would all come running with their endless

my kids haven't asked any questions relating t

day at work and my three year old son, Nicholas, walks r

nd that's why he always wrote letters at his free time. Plus, the country he is in doesn

itchen angrily demanding that their father called tonight or they won't be having dinner. T

I just want you to call and act like their dad. Valerie refused to eat and she bluntl

figure it out? Your kids are damn sma

ould easily tell them anyone could talk just like another perso

o bed hungry and that's why I had to act quick. The children took turns in discussing with their dad and I watched them giggle happily. Xavier did a cle

an hour now and they're still insisting in staying the night up, talking to him. He assured them he


they would go to bed with the wildest smiles on

r a more bigger piece of the little cake I had offered them. They w

r kids their age but I sat them down and gave va

is joining

is going to

u call a pilot who w

cetime. I also craftily chirped in that their father would no longer be able to call them for a cert

ecause he had sent a long letter talking about coming home to them after the war. Then

ues. Your father is.." I paused, broke down and had my babies console

father is dead. He died servin

oil I had put them through. Throughout my stay in the hospital, I realized I was a bad mother who couldn't own up to her own mistakes. All I did for the p

ed possession. Newton even hung his medal on one of the photographs I had kept in their room. I had removed all others but left this one. I didn't want them to feel anymore pain when they glanced at it. It was a photograph of me and my br

had been crying when he wrote that. I bore the guilt

n't say a word. I felt like a fool for all I did. What would they think of me now? How would they see me? Would they ever believe anything that comes from my mouth? Would Valerie ever forg

V and Valerie said something about them sharing a striking resemblance with the man o

ver there, because they wanted to ask more questions about him there. It woul

disclosed who helped him with the paternity test results. I decided to l

ayed up all night crying. Oh h

as yes

hen making breakfast for my

llo? Wh

ompany, Madelyn. Grandma s


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1 Chapter 1 One, Two, Three... Six babies.2 Chapter 2 Hello Daddy!3 Chapter 3 Am I On The Phone With Madelyn 4 Chapter 4 A Truckload Of Babies5 Chapter 5 Look, It's Daddy!6 Chapter 6 Nicholas Brightman7 Chapter 7 Uncle Xavier, We Found Daddy!8 Chapter 8 Behind A Facade9 Chapter 9 You're Going To Marry Her, Jason!10 Chapter 10 It Was Yesterday.11 Chapter 11 Beauty And The Beast12 Chapter 12 Marriage First, Love Second.13 Chapter 13 Rusty Leaves, Flowers and Reunion14 Chapter 14 Havoc At The Graveyard.15 Chapter 15 A Dramatic Entry.16 Chapter 16 Possessive Wife.17 Chapter 17 I Fell First, He Never Did. 18 Chapter 18 Sextuplets For Mr. Black19 Chapter 19 A Human Like Us20 Chapter 20 A Nightmare.21 Chapter 21 As Good As Dead.22 Chapter 22 He's Gone, I Lost Him. 23 Chapter 23 Getting Revenge.24 Chapter 24 A Hottie!25 Chapter 25 Two Birds, One Stone.26 Chapter 26 A Wedding In Two Days.27 Chapter 27 Past 4pm Sir 28 Chapter 28 Marking Territories29 Chapter 29 The Night Before My Wedding30 Chapter 30 False Promises.31 Chapter 31 Surprise!32 Chapter 32 Love Fever33 Chapter 33 Missing Kid Alert!34 Chapter 34 Where Is Natasha 35 Chapter 35 Xavier 36 Chapter 36 Making Madelyn Pay37 Chapter 37 Declaring War38 Chapter 38 Married On Papers39 Chapter 39 A Quest For Revenge40 Chapter 40 Whatever It Takes41 Chapter 41 A Cordial Visit42 Chapter 42 Would You Want Your Tomb Next To Hers 43 Chapter 43 EXPOSED!!44 Chapter 44 Old Friends45 Chapter 45 Unless It's An Emergency46 Chapter 46 Meeting Natasha47 Chapter 47 Back Already 48 Chapter 48 Good Luck Making Babies..49 Chapter 49 Rooftop Pool, A Bikini And A Crybaby.