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Blinded by the alpha clans

Chapter 5 A slap

Word Count: 1352    |    Released on: 16/01/2025

on my way home, and I have even started to feel guilty; I wish I couldn't have got

me, why should I be dependent? I am a complete human, right? And I ca

ears, I heard the voice

elf; I didn't understand why this voice exis

t year

d living voice inside my head, talking and replyin

am accepting my situation andaugh about it . It was late, but I was grateful to see tha

remely quiet, but the good thing is that people were there walking h

arents are going to react. Are they worried about me? Is mom w

I am not trying to be ungrateful, but I just ... yearn for her

oundaries with me, a

believe, but I also have a dad who cares and shows me all that

ss and nothing ca

ome, and the watchman came and op

he drivers have been sent out to go look for you, " Come i

about mom? Is .. she worried too !!? Is

ide; I walked slowly to the house and ope

meet my dad's angry face. Oh my goodness! Thank god,

my forehead, he took his phone and called som

ed; he was frustrated, I could see that; I a

lt how stupid I was and how despera

e don't say that, darling; I am glad that you a

.. you can protect yourself alone by standing on yo

ling," he whispered a

Dad, for un

, and a tight echoing slap was heard

how dare you leave the house a

f from my mom's wrath, don't you ever dare

numb all of a sudden. I am

ll always be the way you are Amelia, st

ou are in but you still can't

u talk to her like that? Huh! Can't you see tha

wants to be normal !! She wants to get normal like other adults. Pl

ness sake, she is your daughter !! My d

darling, please don't listen to her, you can and you will fi

me sometimes, Cassandra!! Dad spat, I could

o show her affection as I do ." Please understand her, she has been worri

I know !! I r

directly to my bathroom. " I hate this feeling of

orn into pieces, or am I being selfi

ven me her attention; all she cares about is her

thoughts inside this thick head of yours; I heard the voice

athtub, shit !! I cursed after seeing my period. How did

ood minutes of playing with the bubbles and hummin

irectly to my closet, took my pyjamas an

from the fridge and some " dattes!!" I

arcus !! I murmured his name and felt blushing, my cheeks reddened,

I wish to wake up and find all my problems solved bef

ake, " I am not sure if it's the voice in

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