The REJECTED Wolf Turn Mighty Luna (Book 2)
it has been since the events that change
st waiting for you', my pers
aloud, annoyed that I have bee
Andrew Blake of the Moo
e and dins of his brother. In fact, he is the one who had made living in that hell hole bearable to some extent. He is really a friend in deed and he would have been the best candidate to give my heart and body to, but I don't l
ejection. Because I am going to have to reject him one more time and th
I am a very patient man and shall
not wanting to give him false
e said, smiling sadly but with determinat
st thought I could help you heal faster. But be that as it may, I shall give you more time and space but I shall return', he c
ssage that I wasn't interested in him in the way he wanted but I must have m
and something akin to hope in his eyes. I felt my heart sink. No! Not again. I can't k
e doing well
m Adrian, providing evidence of Roxy's affair and other supportive things he did for me. He h
, happy too to see that I was no longer do moody and vengeful. Time heals a
sked, still smiling. 'One would think
why don't you come help me with it?' he asked, still smiling but his wo
, not one that is as broke
e one I want and though you feel heartbroken, you are wholesome to me!' he declared, and came to sit beside
der brother committed? He was suffering like I was when I was married to Adrian. I know what it was like to be in a one sided relationship. A relationship where the love is unrequited. It was painful and as much as I didn't like to see Andrew suffering, I couldn't do that to him -
t I loved you before even my brother met you!' he
and his brother were together. They had come together to m
ully. I hated doing this but it had to be done
u were married to my brother, I felt there was no use, you loved him so much and would not look my way. I decided it was better to have you
when we met. I didn't believe that I could develop such love for him after marriage, like he had once suggested. If my marriage that started with the kind of love and passion that mine started with failed, ho