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Trapped With No Way Out

Chapter 5 Fire and Ice

Word Count: 1628    |    Released on: 15/01/2025

ing everything, Alexei's invitation had put her

rously attractive in his dark suit, his smile could fool anyon

g." He said jokingly, getting up immediately to

n her hand over his cheek to

, and tell me once and for a

him, in a theatrical gesture he

t I want to fix things betwee

only, we both know thi

ms over her chest,

her, moya zhena, the power that would put the world at our feet

er wondered about that? Or is all you care about

, revealing his anger, but he managed to quickly c

but I am willing to change, to be the husband yo

trace of a lie in his eyes, but Alexei was a

your twisted games, it's over, I'll leave." She said at last, t

ared in Alexei's eye

et it, Iyubov m

w the truth, that was the beginning of a new game in their twisted game, and she was walk

ring insistently, it was

She asked, sensing that he wa

Urals estate, it is time for them to live together as one agai

d with his manipulative wife and

be there." He promised, while thinking of a

t to accept in order

d to the mansion they shared, a great tension could be felt bet

m, kissing her passionately, she responded with equal passion,

undress her, he immediately took off his clothes and covered her body with his, he began to explo

exei brought her to the peak of ecstasy again and again, while she moan

n to kiss A

an't get enough of you," he murmu

as not a romantic man, that his way of expressing himself was through power and sex, but at that m

free rein to their passion, letting themselves be carrie

resident and vice president, they had to maintain a professional facade, but behind clos

g himself and touching her expertly, Anya despite resisting at first, enjoye

exei's true face, and the cruelty of his manipulations, Alexei despite the obsession h

hemselves be carried away by the fire that burned between them, ev

bags, a strange feeling settled in Anya's chest. Would they be

est. She hoped that they would be able to heal old wounds and build so

g for them. They greeted them effusively. They all seemed to get along ver

nstant teasing and taunts. Alexey, for his part, was grateful that he did not have

red. At night, after dinner, they went up, aware tha

ve had interesting nights, it doesn't have to be any

kiss, soon the room was filled with gasps and muffled moans, in the morning, the dark circles under h

ht, is it so good to be newly married,

ng the stupid smile off her face, Anya pretended not to hear, taking refug

ne stared at Misha, surprised, after the scandal at the wedding, they did not ex

brought my boyfriend, Misha and I have an important

by looking at them, while Alexei

, what a surprise, the

on, but Alexei ignored him, his gaze was fix

riend how you tried to sabotage my wedding? Or

and furious, but before he could

t feel well, I nee

nd him, Alexei cursed under his breath, he knew he should go afte

r came out to talk to her to calm her down, his words had an effect,

was in the shower, but he wasn't alone, he was with Kat

tya separated abruptly, Alexei's face reflec

towards her, but Anya step

ow could you do this to me with her?"

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