Faeries' Grace
quote goes ... 'Hell hath n
who is 'scorned' by anyone that does a grievous misjustice to her child, one could only imagine th
fter the bloo
d airfield in the Rainier Pack's territory,
and she's especially looking forward to seeing the expression on that typically ... at least in Teresa's eyes ... 'Machiavellian' visage of Delta Colin Thompson when he hears it. But this is nei
a solitary cell which is usually allotted for the most serious offenders, while being shackled in chains tightly secured around her wrists and ankles ... but at least, in all honesty, this is a far cry better than how they had her co
on with Sasha to hear out her side of the story. In comparison to that interesting piece of information that Teresa
ter at the
vate study; aggressively kicking both doors open with one
demand that you release m
onless as a statue; her body rigidly tense, with her fists tightly clenched and pressed into the sides of her thighs. Her teeth and jaw are
lta Colin simply can't rein in that contemptuous
barging into the Alpha's private study during a closed-door meeting while disrespectfully addressing yo
irk emerges upon t
see now where she gets that unruly behavior of hers. What's it they
fore anyone in the room realizes what's happening ... or can react to prevent it from happening ... she savagely clasps h
from his sockets and tear up, as he d
s out in his most authoritati
eresa!! Let go of
'dagger throwing' eyes intensely locked onto the Delta, as they fiercely 'bore into the Delta's f
y, brother? Oh no ... I
ove in on Teresa; but she quickly catches this out
over his way. "Don't think I didn't hear about the inhumane manner you ordered Sasha to be restrained in. You a
on the gradually fad
n' ... 'acting like some unciv
rusquely in
in, now! Sasha's already being detained in the detention c
rief, unamused s
don't want to put me in the detention center. ... Tru
hy is
er brother, as she mal
have a detention center left standing. I will tear it
ce is heard coming fro
e she wil
d gratefully no
oking after Sasha before. I truly
d for all that. ... But if you
he nearly unconscious Delta, who's now being held up by Teresa's tightly clenche
ust a little, before your brother h
ndly smile to Teresa, who reci
olin and replaces that friendly smile with a slightly mal
like a sack of potatoes. He then begins to look like a recently reeled in fish floppin
s normal shade. The Delta begins to slowly stand to his feet, and once upright he
insane, you i
nd's fingertips and menacingly wavers them inches in
our mouth, or I promise yo
is certain that she would readily fulfill that promise in a heartbeat. He frustratingly huffs under his breath, then sulkily plods over towards the
lares with fiercely piercing eyes. She ad
ou're not somehow involved in what's happened tonight. I never
ha. "Now, Julian; ab
more talk about Sasha's release. I'm afra
her as she incredulously glares at the Alpha,
last I recall, you were the Alpha of the Rainie
ith each of the male-wolves' eyes as she comes upon them. She then makes dire
present here finally
, "Watch it, you impude
brother, defyingly snappi
fighting over the ledge of a mountain ... but this is the most explosively intense round that they have ever fought. So much so
ase hold off on all this squabbling until the next family reunion
tion, and giving her enough time to step up beside the Alpha and cradle his arm in hers. The Luna then snuggles in cl
Sasha is still only a five-year-old, little girl; is it really necessary to keep her locked up in the detentio
gh her manipulatively feminine charms. He looks to his wife
are the Luna of the Rainier Pack. And right now, it makes no difference which role you are
una's wrist and untwines their interloc
at you're trying do,
ng them atop the desk's surface. He repeatedly taps his index on a few of th
look over these photos taken at the incident's scene and honestly t
e graphically explicit, shockingly grotesque, brutally raw and in-your-face
over her instantly formed fully agape mouth. She tightly squeezes her eyes shut to avoid looking at them any longer, then
ware of at least some of the truth behind the emissaries that Sasha killed. She just looks down on them unfazed, maintaining a stoic visage. And, aft
se my daughter..." She noticeably raises
ary 16, 2025,