e leave m
I love singing, crocheting and writing, certainly twinnie hates them all. Biology tells us that twins are two or more identical offspring of same mother, but I completely disagree, except fro
dad being the wrestlers, I and twinnie being the referees, our neighbors being the spectators, and being so unfair leaving the referee task for I and twinnie al
ove their wives deciding to marry them? Don't women think before accepting their proposal ? Don't men and women court before getting married ? Or are people just forced to
nursing the injuries given to her by her beloved husband. I don't think this was God's plan for marriage at first. Maybe before I clocked 20, I would have been a high blood pressure patient or I would have died of heart attack because I just feel frightened and ready to run at all times, Infact the adr
s God's plan for marriage? Or maybe this was the punishmen
t thin
ve God ou
plan, he always has God
have the appetite to eat anymore. Moreover, twinnie is playing her violin as usual
al problems gets to life threatening condition. Isn't this condition life threatening? why isn't Mom making effort to do something before we are being devoured by our Lion King. Maybe mom still lo
hurch? aunt Catherine's place ? I literally have no where to run to. Leaving this house leaving mom, twinn
r zone. I shouldn't be the one worrying about all these, mom and Stephanie
d help
t Rachael"