ry day, attending meetings and interacting with individuals who, in their desperation, approach me for
waste your time reporting me to the police. If you have connections to the nobility, don't even think about approaching the gove
from my influence. I embody both a devil and a monster; I am the harshest of them all, an
w York City. I often ponder how they fail to manage their businesses effective
est associate knows better than to betray me. In fact, I don't eve
s well-being. How bold of her to come to my personal residence, a place where few dare to tread. Yet, I found that quality admi
te my icy demeanor, she offered to work two jobs to repay me, unaware of the magnitude of her father's debt. Those jobs would scarcely
her owed, so I had to decline her offer. However, I admired her resol
ed me even more was when Ella asserted she could heal my beloved grandmother. That glimmer of hope prompted me to strike a dea
repeatedly. First, she dared to visit my home, and
d numerous matters to attend to. However, my primary concern
social circle. Who cares about social status? I couldn't care less. I longed to marry a woman who would bring joy to my lif
h or status. Unfortunately, many women have disappointed me, chasing after affluent men and luxurious lifestyles.
y decisions, treats me like a child, and even enters my bedroom
eclaring that I will marry Olga, as she has already made arrangements with her parents. This infuriated me, prompting me to retreat t
inform Olga that I am cold but will eventually come a
ge me in such a manner? I may be cold, but I am not so heartless as to force an innocent woman into such circumstances. In my club, individuals come vo
ill cherish her and love her properly
chance to refuse. I confronted Mr. Mia, warning him that if he ever suggested such things again, he would deeply
I thought of Ella and asked for a whiskey to shield her from witnessing he
airs. Jacob's wife handed Ella some herbs as we exchanged goodbyes. I
o our seats. The meeting became tedious, revolving around finances. Just when we reached an agreement, that
hair. In the chaos, his brother lunged at me with a knife, stab
rough a back exit and into my car
the door swung open, revealing Ella. I didn't want her to see me in such a state, so I
ing on my half-naked form, shame. She tended to my wound, and th
t and immediately checked my stomach. The pain was less intense
ross my face as
my surprise, I found Ella in tears. I attempted to lighten the mood with a
ppening. There was Ella on the floor, tears streaming down