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The Lost City of Eldarath

The Lost City of Eldarath

Author: Jemifav

Chapter 1 The Call of Adventure

Word Count: 330    |    Released on: 13/01/2025

eir wisdom passed down through generations. Aria, a young apprentice to the village's revered wizard, Thorne, felt an insatiable hunger to uncover the se

the Whispering Woods, where the ancient trees whisper secrets to the wind, lies the Lost City of Eldarath. Seek out the city, and claim the treasure that lies within." Aria's heart racing with excitement, she knew that she had to embark on this perilous journey. She spent the next few days preparing, gathering supplies, and studying the ancient text. Thorne, sensing Aria's restlessness, revealed to her that he, too, had once sought the Lost City. He shared with her the dangers that lay ahead and the secrets th

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