The Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28 / The Independent Health Magazine
Author: Various Genre: LiteratureThe Healthy Life, Vol. V, Nos. 24-28 / The Independent Health Magazine
if it is true for him, it certainly is not true for me. Mr Voysey indulges in many loose and generalised statements which do not help the average ma
it only shows that he and Fletcher are exceptions to the average person, and that it may be dangerous to follow their example. For most men, "M.D.'s" proteid
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xpensive that it would be beyond the means of an agricultural labourer in any country? It is certainly no mockery. The cost to s
of food? And what a misleading statement that is which asserts "that all the hardest work of the world has alwa
fe; and I will say that it does not help this average person in the least to put before him the misty statement that "the quantity depends on the development that is in progress, and is only discoverable by the natural guides of appetite and taste, ruled by reason and love of others." All very noble and
rained mind and long years of patient thought that have been exerted in dealing with the facts of this wide experience. For myself, I have come to see that, if "M.D." does not hold in his
kneed manikin, the low proteid diet, and unite with me in a long strong pull to g