Don Flavio and his little captive
LY . TING e birds chirping around the sky, flying helter skelter mless he puts on, he held a M16 riffle, which he was using to gun down the birds. From t rse he rumoured gentlest devil ked a devil obably be tle as long as you don' u'll know why he on of the feared in a tall lanky man about his height lies a spid uld have slapped his neck to kill underboss to the clan and a ns up after Flavio, but those close to him he line" He reported oting and Whiskey plac inty, but hoar lippines by tomorrow. It's confirmed" A thick femi nd Whiskey withdraw the phone s finally been set" Don Flavio this time more fierce than before, shooting down the birds with DAY^ A rt with her luggage. It was an average height lady, dressed in a mini floral gown, dark shades cascadi pretty smile spread on her lips as she dials a number, Just at the second ring she hears his voice, the voice that makes ng to compose her excitement, there was silence for ax are y ll be there" The voice sa w the phone from her ear to tly, then sighs her mind going back to what her best fr ong, you are talented and industrious, this is a time for you to focus on your work and establish yourself, not for you wanna do I can always start over there in Italy... with my husband t in face to face, you've only see no much d r arms in the air, standing you Kez, your love isn't going the right way at all. You don't just submit yourself to a man you don't know a damn about! B e and you'll be my bridesmaid for the weddi on the bed. Truly as Anya has stated, she has ther suddenly ring her up telling her of her ave totally disagreed of this but on s finds no reason for not accept k on calls and video calls, Maximo has never once come to vis , he owns a cons od job she r want to her, she just doesn't get n for a birth a dare she says I don't know a damn about him? N BACK gonna regret my decision...never" She let out a de