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Crimson Shadows

Chapter 2 The Murphy Factor

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 09/01/2025

the corkboard on the wall, covered with photos, newspaper clippings, and a tangle of red string connecting various faces and locations. It was his wa

taking on cases that others deemed too dangerous or hopeless. But even he had to admit that his latest case was testing the limit

from a distraught woman-her voice trembling as she begged for help. Her son had gone missing, and she feared the worst. Ja

me, but his disappearance had sent ripples through the underworld. Jake's investigation had uncovered

8 a.m. He wasn't expecting anyone. Rising from his chair, he crossed the room and opened the

she asked, he

, stepping aside to let

said, extending her ha

as he shook her hand. "What ca

ting his gaze. "I need your help. I believe we're

eyebrow, intr

to a series of illegal shipments at the docks. Last night, I witnessed a meeting between some of their key

clearly passionate about her work, but he also sensed a hint of fear beneat

nas have people on the inside. I need someone who isn't afrai

crossing his arms. "And what make

"You have a reputation for taking on the tough cases, for g

n working this case from a different angle, but Sofia's information could be the

gh the contents-photographs of the meeting at the docks, notes detailing the events, and

g. "But it's also dangerous. If the Espinnas find out you

er voice firm. "But I'm not backing dow

k together. But we need to be careful. The Espinnas won't

vident in her expression. "Thank y

aid, his tone serious. "We h

xt steps. Jake was impressed by her analytical mind and her ability to connect the dots. Together,

a. Despite their different backgrounds, they shared a common goal-to bring the Espinnas

arm glow over the city. Jake walked Sofia to the door, pausing for a moment

er eyes meeting his. "And

ake couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something much bigger.

The Espinnas may have ruled the city from the shadows, but now the light was closing

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