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Bound by the strings of desire

Chapter 5 The Deal

Word Count: 1218    |    Released on: 09/01/2025

as perfect as a kaleidoscope. The structure, just as much as did the man who owned it, carried an air of insurmoun

e slip dress in a deep red, which Mason had brought to her in the late afternoon. The silk enveloped her graceful form in a way that exp

glass panels made its way right up her spine with a jolt. Yet, the image of her Brother matt, tortured and mutilated by Mason's

ng windows, his commanding silhouette framed by the sprawling cityscape. The space at

smooth baritone that sent an i

eplied, her voice steady despi

onstricting and a barely there smile that almost grazed just above his gum line. He appr

id, gesturing to the bar

her posture defensive. "Let

. "Impatient, aren

by the defiance, it was not evident. But he continued to press o

voice dropping an octave. "For one

for that, and told herself it was just a business. However, speak

ss formal tone of voice, "your brother's debt is no

life hung in the balance, and this man, this infuriatin

voice trembling despite her

mises, Mason replied,

faint hum of the city below. Final

a slow, triumphant smile.

ng shadows on the floor. Lily stood at the edge of the massive be

" he murmured, his

disgusted with the way her

not sure it's control, he replied, thou


"Not entirely. You agreed to this, Lily. T

ore she could get a word out, Mason shed his

sleeves of his shirts. "Why didn't you come to

d by the question. "Because I d

d low and rich. "And now

r centre, and she, braced for the usual, prepared herself. On the other hand, not at all the

d. "I'm not the mons

repared to give. On the other hand, he appeared to be working on the destruction of her defenses step by step

he had prepared herself to experience violation, pain, but sh

ndow once more, the early morning li

he said, his voice

er throat tigh

pression unreadable. "This doesn

rowed. "What

Lily. I'd like t

isplay of shaking their head to break through the

said, and his lips tur

bed her belongings, no, she just left, all thoughtles

exhausted. She reached for her bag, an object, With the intention of reaching for her cell

h her name in writing on the front b

was a c

opped as she r

exchange, complete financi

m was Mason'

ritten note: And beneat

ly. But I don't think y

ntract. The horror was far from over; it was

e area of her felt that may

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