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Can you forgive her?

Chapter 7 Aunt Greenow

Word Count: 4374    |    Released on: 11/11/2017

aunt’s, body and soul, for the next six weeks,” she said to Alice, when she did come to Queen Anne Street on the morning after her arrival. “And sh

e, if you’d only known that man!” When she said this she was sitting in the best of Mrs Jones’s sitting-rooms, waiting to have dinner announced. She had taken a drawing-room and dining-room, “because”, as she said, “she didn’t see why people should be stuffy when they went to the sea-side — not if they had means to make themselves comfortable.”“Oh, Kate, I do wish you’d known him!”“I wish I had,” said Kate — very untruly. “I was unfortunately away when he went to Vavasor Hall.”“Ah, yes; but it was at home, in the domestic circle, that Greenow should have been seen to be appreciated. I was a happy woman, Kate, while that lasted.” And Kate was surprised to see that real tears — one or two on each side — were making their way down her aunt’s cheeks. But they were soon checked with a handkerchief of the broadest hem and of the finest cambric.“Dinner, ma’am,” said Jeannette, opening the door.“Jeanette, I told you always to say that dinner was served.”“Dinner’s served then,” said Jeannette in a tone of anger.“Come, Kate,” said her aunt. “I’ve but little appetite myself, but there’s no reason you shouldn’t eat your dinner. I specially wrote to Mrs Jones to have some sweetbread. I do hope she’s got a decent cook. It’s very little I eat myself, but I do like to see things nice.”The next day was Sunday; and it was beautiful to see how Mrs Greenow went to church in all the glory of widowhood. There had been a great unpacking after that banquet on the sweetbread, and all her funereal millinery had been displayed before Kate’s wondering eyes. The charm of the woman was in this — that she was not in the least ashamed of anything that she did. She turned over all her wardrobe of mourning, showing the richness of each article, the stiffness of the crape, the fineness of the cambric, the breadth of the frills — telling the price of each to a shilling, while she explained how the whole had been amassed without any consideration of expense. This she did with all the pride of a young bride when she shows the glories of her trousseau to the friend of her bosom. Jeannette stood by the while, removing one thing and exhibiting another. Now and again through the performance, Mrs Greenow would rest a while from her employment, and address the shade of the departed one in terms of most endearing affection. In the midst of this Mrs Jones came in; but the widow was not a whit abashed by the presence of the stranger. “Peace be to his manes!” she said at last, as she carefully folded up a huge black crape mantilla. She made, however, but one syllable of the classical word, and Mrs Jones thought that her lodger had addressed herself to the mortal “remains” of her deceased lord.“He is left her uncommon well off, I suppose,” said Mrs Jones to Jeannette.“You may say that, ma’am. It’s more nor a hundred thousand of pounds!”“No!”“Pounds of sterling, ma’am! Indeed it is — to my knowledge.”“Why don’t she have a carriage?”“So she do — but a lady can’t bring her carriage down to the sea when she’s only just buried her husband, as one may say. What’d folks say if they saw her in her own carriage? But it ain’t because she can’t afford it, Mrs Jones. And now we’re talking of it you must order a fly for church tomorrow, that’ll look private, you know. She said I was to get a man that had a livery coat and gloves.”The man with the coat and gloves was procured; and Mrs Greenow’s entry into church made quite a sensation. There was a thoughtfulness about her which alone showed that she was a woman of no ordinary power. She foresaw all necessities, and made provision for all emergencies. Another would not have secured an eligible sitting, and been at home in Yarmouth church, till half the period of her sojourn there was over. But Mrs Greenow had done it all. She walked up the middle aisle with as much self-possession as though the chancel had belonged to her family for years; and the respectable pew-opener absolutely deserted two or three old ladies whom she was attending, to show Mrs Greenow into her seat. When seated, she was the cynosure of all eyes. Kate Vavasor became immediately aware that a great sensation had been occasioned by their entrance, and equally aware that none of it was due to her. I regret to say that this feeling continued to show itself throughout the whole service. How many ladies of forty go to church without attracting the least attention! But it is hardly too much to say that every person in that church had looked at Mrs Greenow. I doubt if there was present there a single married lady who, on leaving the building, did not speak to her husband of the widow. There had prevailed during the whole two hours a general though unexpressed conviction that something worthy of remark had happened that morning. It had an effect even upon the curate’s reading; and the incumbent, while preaching his sermon, could not keep his eyes off that wonderful bonnet and veil.On the next morning, before eleven, Mrs Greenow’s name was put down at the Assembly Room. “I need hardly say that in my present condition I care nothing for these things. Of course I would sooner be alone. But, my dear Kate, I know what I owe to you.”Kate, with less intelligence than might have been expected from one so clever, began to assure her aunt that she required no society; and that, coming thus with her to the seaside in the early days of her widowhood, she had been well aware that they would live retired. But Mrs Greenow soon put her down, and did so without the slightest feeling of shame or annoyance on her own part. “My dear,” she said, “in this matter you must let me do what I know to be right. I should consider myself to be very selfish if I allowed my grief to interfere with your amusements.”“But, aunt, I don’t care for such amusements.”“That’s nonsense, my dear. You ought to care for them. How are you to settle yourself in life if you don’t care for them?”“My dear aunt, I am settled.”“Settled!” said Mrs Greenow, astounded, as though there must have been some hidden marriage of which she had not heard. “But that’s nonsense. Of course you’re not settled; and how are you to be, if I allow you to shut yourself up in such a place as this — just where a girl has a chance?”It was in vain that Kate tried to stop her. It was not easy to stop Mrs Greenow when she was supported by the full assurance of being mistress of the place and of the occasion. “No, my dear; I know very well what I owe to you, and I shall do my duty. As I said before, society can have no charms now for such a one as I am. All that social intercourse could ever do for me lies buried in my darling’s grave. My heart is desolate, and must remain so. But I’m not going to immolate you on the altars of my grief. I shall force myself to go out for your sake, Kate.”“But, dear aunt, the world will think it so odd, just at present.”“I don’t care twopence for the world. What can the world do to me? I’m not dependent on the world — thanks to the care of that sainted lamb. I can hold my own;

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1 Chapter 1 Mr Mavasor and His Daughter2 Chapter 2 Lady Macleod3 Chapter 3 John Grey, the Worthy Man4 Chapter 4 George Vavasor, the Wild Man5 Chapter 5 The Balcony at Basle6 Chapter 6 The Bridge over the Rhine7 Chapter 7 Aunt Greenow8 Chapter 8 Mr Cheesacre9 Chapter 9 The Rivals10 Chapter 10 Nethercoats11 Chapter 11 John Grey goes to London12 Chapter 12 Mr George Vavasor at Home13 Chapter 13 Mr Grimes gets his Odd Money14 Chapter 14 Alice Vavasor becomes Troubled15 Chapter 15 Paramount Crescent16 Chapter 16 The Roebury Club17 Chapter 17 Edgehill18 Chapter 18 Alice Vavasor's Great Relations19 Chapter 19 Tribute from Oileymead20 Chapter 20 Which shall it be21 Chapter 21 Alice is taught to grow Upwards, towards the Light22 Chapter 22 Dandy and Flirt23 Chapter 23 Dinner at Matching Priory24 Chapter 24 Three Politicians25 Chapter 25 In which much of the History of the Pallisers is t26 Chapter 26 Lady Midlothian27 Chapter 27 The Priory Ruins28 Chapter 28 Alice leaves the Priory29 Chapter 29 Burgo Fitzgerald30 Chapter 30 Containing a Love-letter31 Chapter 31 Among the Fells32 Chapter 32 Containing an Answer to the Love-letter33 Chapter 33 Monkshade34 Chapter 34 Mr Vavasor speaks to his Daughter35 Chapter 35 Passion versus Prudence36 Chapter 36 John Grey goes a Second Time to London37 Chapter 37 Mr Tombe's Advice38 Chapter 38 The Inn at Shap39 Chapter 39 Mr Cheesacre's Hospitality40 Chapter 40 Mrs Greenow's Little Dinner in the Close41 Chapter 41 A Noble Lord Dies42 Chapter 42 Parliament Meets43 Chapter 43 Mrs Marsham44 Chapter 44 The Election for the Chelsea Districts45 Chapter 45 George Vavasor takes his Seat46 Chapter 46 A Love Gift47 Chapter 47 Mr Cheesacre's Disappointment48 Chapter 48 Preparations for Lady Monk's Party49 Chapter 49 How Lady Glencora went to Lady Monk's Party50 Chapter 50 How Lady Glencora came back from Lady Monk's Par51 Chapter 51 Bold Speculations on Murder52 Chapter 52 What occurred in Suffolk Street, Pall Mall53 Chapter 53 The Last Will of the Old Squire54 Chapter 54 Showing how Alice was Punished55 Chapter 55 The Will56 Chapter 56 Another Walk on the Fells57 Chapter 57 Showing how the Wild Beast got himself back from t58 Chapter 58 The Pallisers at Breakfast59 Chapter 59 The Duke of St Bungay in Search of a Minister60 Chapter 60 Alice Vavasor's Name gets into the Money Market61 Chapter 61 The Bills are made all right62 Chapter 62 Going Abroad63 Chapter 63 Mr John Grey in Queen Anne Street64 Chapter 64 The Rocks and Valleys65 Chapter 65 The First Kiss66 Chapter 66 Lady Monk's Plan67 Chapter 67 The Last Kiss68 Chapter 68 From London to Baden69 Chapter 69 From Baden to Lucerne70 Chapter 70 At Lucerne71 Chapter 71 Showing how George Vavasor received a Visit72 Chapter 72 Showing how George Vavasor paid a Visit73 Chapter 73 In which come Tidings of Great Moment to all the P74 Chapter 74 Showing what happened in the Churchyard75 Chapter 75 Rouge et Noir76 Chapter 76 The Landlord's Bill77 Chapter 77 The Travellers return Home78 Chapter 78 Mr Cheesacre's Fate79 Chapter 79 Diamonds are Diamonds80 Chapter 80 The Story is finished within the Halls of the Duke