Fangs and Fire : Vows of Vengeance
of Vardhall, one of the few remaining human cities, was now being destroyed by a horde of beasts
ran amongst the crowd. He was Harald, one of the town guards
ing an eight-year-old little girl, Sigrid Valkyrie. Sigrid's clear blue eye
ed face. "Harald, you can't fight t
Harald replied loudly, but behind his vo
sping Sigrid's hand tightly. "Stay close to Mommy, S
in, tearing apart anyone they encountered. In front of them stood an alpha werewolf, his body much larger than the others.
rows of sharp teeth. "Weak humans..." he murmured lowly, his voice heavy as t
tand up to the alpha werewolf. With one swing of his claws, the last wooden wall in t
debris-filled streets. His hand tightly gripped an old b
e middle of the street. Fenrir stood there, staring at them with a dea
n explosion, echoing throughout the silent city.
hter as if it was the only thing that mattered in the world. "W-Why
That girl... She smells special. A smell that only the chosen
vanced, raising his bow with trembling hands. He
ped forward casually. "Human courage is
d Mother'
s breath, his body tense, the hand gripping the bow trembling. He knew very well that his arrow probab
nal. He released one arrow towards Fenrir. It whizzed by, but
oward a small path at the side of the ruins. "Sigrid, listen to Mommy
release her mother's hold, but As
to sound firm, even as her tears began to fall. She knew it
ut with everything he had, swinging the dagger towards Fenrir's neck. However, Fenrir m
arrow in his shoulder without any pain. "You real
lf to his feet. "I may not be able to... but
t Harald's chest with deadly force. Blood spurted, and Harald's body fell to the gro
uins of their old home. Quickly, she opened a trap door hid
teary, but her voice was full of compassion. "You must stay here, no
" Sigrid sobbed, holding
ad. "I know. But you're a strong girl, Sigrid. Stron
er mother close the trap door from above. The sound of Astrid's st
the werewolves on purpose. She yelled at the top of her l
lves turned around and immediately chased afte
feless body, looked up and grinned when he
ack, but for Sigrid's sake, she was willing to be bait. At the end of
e sounds of battle were replaced with an eerie silence. In the dark basement, Sigrid gripped her knees tightly, her body trembl