Doctor friend
as my sanctuary. A spacious room, all to myself, with massive floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a breathtaking view of the world outside. From those windows, I could watch the endl
talie? You seemed so happy here. What's pulling you away from everything you've built? They didn't know the answers, and they wouldn't. Only my boss knew the truth, and even that had been hard enough to share. I had no intention of explaining myself to anyone else. If I started talking about it, I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep myself together. "Surprise!" The shout came from all corners of the canteen as my coworkers popped out of hiding places, grinning and clapping. Even though I'd expected it, I jumped, which at least made my reaction look authentic. "Oh my God, guys," I said, already feeling tears welling up. This wasn't going well. "This is so nice." "We baked you a cake, too!" someone said enthusiastically. I walked over to the table to find a lopsided cake that screamed homemade. Scrawled across the top in icing were the words: 'Gud luck! Wheel miss you!' I burst out laughing. The joke about our work-speech therapy-made my heart swell. These people knew me, th