Monsters Of The Mind
rs since she saw them last, but tonight they were back. The whispers. They slithered into her thoughts, insid
ind and degrading her self-esteem. Samantha was born into a noble family of six. Her three siblings, a sister and two brothers with Samantha being the first born. She had a good education, went to one of the best high schools in the state. She had good records of academic
ut the silence of the night wasn't helping, as the whispers kept on growing. She took the pillow and covered her ears in attempt to escape the voices but the state of the darkness of the surrounding of her face and the pillow made the whispers more vicious. She quickly got up, in a sad state, with tears about to fall from her eyes. At this point, Samantha felt like the voices were not just in her head but were more like spirit entities lurking around her. She walked towards her window, unveiled
nt popped into her mind, bringing the voices back. "This is all your fault"; "you did this to them" two voices said. Samantha began sobbing, she faced down, covered with her hand, wishing someone or something will comfort and assure her that it's not her fault. Samantha waved her head back and forth, right and left, looking for what she could do to clear her mind off the whispers. She turned on the TV, the only midnig
er kitchen. She decided to explore the book. Fortunately, it was a book full of adventures. Samantha sighed in relief, at last, she could find something to keep her mind from the voices. Haven read a line in the book that portrays two friends together, she looked up, remembering her best friend, Miri
f her face in the mirror. It was looking good and she could see that. Soon after, she came out of the shower, dried herself up, put on her clothes and sat at her makeup table. She looked up at her makeup mirror, her face was even brighter than before and felt no need to apply makeup for she was naturally beautiful. Samantha left for work. As ahe went outside, she looked up in the sky and around the neighborhood, it was indeed a bright day. Samantha went on to the street across th
t" Samantha asked with the thought that Gina was either at a party, with her partner or maybe someone surprised her with gifts. "I slept like a baby last night, no disturbances of any sort, its been a while I had that kind of good sleep, work and keeping up with home priorities you know... it was so enjoyable, how was yours?" Gina said. On hearing this, the smiles that been on Samantha's face disappeared, making her remember the whispers of last night which hindered her night sle
ntha was still seated. Gina was about leaving when she turned and saw Samantha still on her seat starring at her blank computer screen. She wanted to approach her but hesitated. "I think its best to leave her alone, I feel there's something wrong with her but she can't open up, well whatever it is I hope she gets through it" Gina said to herself in sympathy for Sam
. She laid on her side, closed her eyes, suddenly, the whispers came back. Indeed what she feared throughout the day was here. Samantha closed her