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Only an Irish Boy; Or, Andy Burke's Fortunes


Word Count: 1478    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

k in the yard, saw the boys and the girls go by with their books, he felt a longing to go, too. He knew very well

id to himself; "but it's no use wishin'. Mothe

nfailing good humor and readiness to oblige, had won their favor. They felt interested in his progress, and,

here's Godfrey Preston just passe


ke to be going to school w


e could spare him

aid Sophia,

mer, and he could do his chores early in the morning. He co

la. Shall we give

e needs the money t

d tell him," su

do at din


ndy rose from the table, Miss P

good schola

hty poor o

ever st

ince I was so high," indicating a p

phia, "you must ha

was very smal

half the day, so that you could go to school in the forenoon-

h? I don't want to grow up a poor, ignoran

acher if he will take you for half the day. You can

'am, I can d

e years ago we had a nephew stay with us, and go to

ave me buyin', and I haven

same wages, Andrew, tho

ma'am. You'r

ol, as becomes the great-grandson

was ashamed of having deceived the kind old ladies, but didn't like now to own up to the deception lest the

o the schoolhouse, which was a quarter of a mile distant. As he ascended the small hill on which it stood, he att

ing to school?" he sai

e so," said Charles Flem

sh boy," said God

erican boy," said Ch

h him if you want to;

frey," said Ben Travers, who made h

Charles Fleming did not repl

ming to sch

" sai


y. "What's the matter

rs walked off haughtil


are good enough for t

r it," said Andy. "

y from work to come to school. Ar

e to school half the day.

o bread. Will you sit with me? I'v

frey Preston wants to sit with me. I wouldn't li

till he invit

be a lo

t and resolute, if need be. He was one of the leaders of the school. Godfrey aspired also to be a leader, and was to some extent on account of his father's wealth and high standing, for, as we have seen, Colonel Preston was not like his son. Still, it is doubtful whether anyone was much attached to Godfrey. He was too selfish in disposition, and offensi

ed permission to attend school a part of the time. As there had been such cases in former terms, no objec

ad been very limited, and he could not be expected to know much. But Andy was old enough now to understand the worth of knowledge, and he

cholars poured out upon

Preston happened to

that Irish boy to si

Yes, I invited him t

toned and aristocratic associate,

am glad to hav

escend to take h

isn't any condesc

s for a

urs. Are you going to cut your fat

ould live wi

, and that's where he

ork from sawing and splitti

omewhere else than in America. In this country labor is con

in associating

"He is poor, to be sure, but he is a good fellow, and helps

from the playground, "come

ran to the field alongside the school

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