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The Deal With Her Alpha

Chapter 5 Vivian

Word Count: 925    |    Released on: 04/02/2025


ng morning sickness and the other usual signs of pregnancy. My life in the mansion was very simple because I was chained to do the same exact thing every day. Every morning, a doctor would come into my room and perform a scan to check up on the baby and me, and he would do it all without ever saying a word to me, only the usual greeting that he mumbled sometimes. The house was always so lonely, except for when the maids brought my food to me, and tried to engage in conversation with them. But after about two weeks of living like that, I noticed that Axel, suddenly started staying in the house with me, and initially, I thought that maybe he just wanted to stay close to the child I was carrying, but soon I heard from one of the maids, that it was because he had brought a woman named Elizabeth who was very sick into the house so he was only there for her. I felt bad when I heard it, but I didn't know what I had expected. One day I was in my room just resting my head when my door opened and in came a beautiful woman who I didn't need anyone to tell me that she was the woman that the maid was talking about, but she looked very healthy, and I guessed that she must have recovered rather quickly which was a good thing., I smiled once our eyes met each other, happy that finally, I might actually have someone to talk to other than the maids, "Hey, you must be the Elizabeth that everyone's been talking about. I hope that you are fully recovered now?" I asked and was surprised when she gave me a scornful look. "So you have been talking about me with your little minions that call th

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