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The mystery of Harper House

The mystery of Harper House

Author: Eniii💕

Chapter 1 The trouble with maple street

Word Count: 626    |    Released on: 30/11/2024

much." After all, summers on Maple Street were pretty much the same every year: hot days, melted popsicles, and trying t

arted wit

e like the Cheshire Cat. Tommy was Danny's best friend

od called it the Harper House, though nobody really knew why. It had been empty for as long as

eased, flapping his arms

y shot back, though his


house, touch the front door, and run back. Easy, right? Excep

ed along. She was holding a half-eaten bag of Skittles and looke

out loud would make it true. He took a deep breath, wiped his

eepier than it looked from the street. The windows were dark and empty, like hollow eyes

t to knock!" Tommy

e stepped onto the creaky porch, heart pounding in his chest, and reach


back so fast he tripped over his own fe

Sarah s

doorway. It was a girl. A girl about their age, w

she asked, ha

r. Behind him, Tommy and Sarah ran up the por

ace was abandoned!

name's Hazel. My dad just bought

He'd just made a fool of him

trespassing," he mumbled

been watching you guys from the window

. "See? I told you

uttered. "You were jus

guys are funny. Wa

-or whatever it was called now-still gave off major creepy vi

always the first t

but followed. Wh

rned out

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