Our Little Princess
I'm not living at all, in fact all I'm tr
Jojo bought me. My parents would never buy me such
el have given me I have to keep it hidden. Or else, w
clean my wounds and cover the bruises
eakfast ready for my parents, it won't be a good day. I'm already
last step I'm backhanded a
ve my food ready before I w
se. So, I get up and luckily he doesn't push me back dow
o get up." The person who gave birth to me
te of space just like Jim. She likes to get high on anything
t me, but all that changed when she met Jim. He introduced her to drugs, and when
probably shouldn't have done that because n
use that'll only make it worse and egg him on. He
te and roll your eye
actually be worse than what they're already done t
the door. I have to go back upstairs and apply cream to
going to be
han to be in school. At least at school they can't hu
t door my arm is being held in a deat
today, I have some pl
he lets go of me, and I'm out tha
cause I forget to menti