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Jack's Ward; Or, The Boy Guardian


Word Count: 1318    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

, the next morning, "how would you lik

said Jack

to the water and be drowned," s

a'am," said Capt. Bowling.

a vessel!" re


to go with a stranger," said Rach

said the captain, bluntly. "If I should

wouldn't be proper for me to in

r aunt proposed to run away,

such things, nephew; I a

go, ma'am?" as

th propriety," said Rachel, hesita

aid Mrs. Harding, secretly amazed

tain's arm at length, greatly to Jack's amusement. He was still more amused when a boy picked up her handkerchief wh

captain. "He takes y

hoed Jack, e

"I am afraid I ought not to have come

the captain-they were just crossing t

unt Rachel deci

The captain, though blunt, was attentive, and it was something new to her to have such an escort. It was observed that Miss Harding was much less gloomy than usual during th

to her husband that evening after they had retired. "She

sband. "He has such spirits tha

have him for a pe

ch he pays are a great help, espe

rospect of get

from day to day, but

y cents to-day by

the captain pays us, it is enough to pay all our livi

e r

as yet I haven't a dollar laid by to

vidence, Timothy. He may yet

eling in what straits we shall

Capt. Bowling sai

u again sometime, capta

rk, I shall come here if you'll

miss you, captain,

urned to the co

artily. "Perhaps when I see he

he time for the captain's departure approached, had been subsiding into he

on't want to think of 'em. Jack, my lad,

I," sai

n," said Mrs. Harding. "I

a particle; though there's th

never come back," sai

een a sailor, man and boy, forty years,

age, isn't he, Aunt Rache

y-nine," said R

ll my life," said the cooper to himself.

himself, or a fit of hysterics wo

a day over thirty-five, ma'am

ed, but mildly discl

she said, "I might have looked younger; but th

been troubled much that way. With a stout hea

onscience?" asked Rache

t Rachel," a

esterday, and chased the poor cat till she almost died of fright. I lie awake nig

oulders, but the cap

said. "I was up to no end of

bad as Jack, I k

'am; but I'm afraid I was. I don't th

Rachel mentioned," said Jack. "

achel. "I don't know what

ompanied him as far as the pier, but the rest of the fami

ll do, now you've lost

said Mrs. Harding; but we are fortuna

ittle longer," said Rachel. "We've go

re was no use in arguing with her, as i

as bidding good-

go with me, Jack,"

t I can't le

you away from her. But there-t

ptain pressed into his hand a five-dollar

y lad; you ca

essel was drawn out into the strea

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