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Rise of the Mafia Lord

Chapter 2 Betrayed

Word Count: 1066    |    Released on: 11/11/2024

was this business transaction his father wanted him to oversee? Why wa

Edgar, the driver, greeted

getting into the

ut go back to what his father said about clearing away the shame by com

to a deserted warehouse on the outskirts of town. Xavier's insti

ting out of the car. "I'll go

se, his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenl

a voice called

re emerging from the darknes

ied, its voice dripping with malice. "You see, Xavier, you

, but his feet seemed rooted to the spot.

he asked, trying to

out soon enough. But for now, let's j

e him, his eyes cold and hard.

no choice? What's going on.

k up. I brought you here to die." Edgar

betrayal wash over him.

. "I'm just fol

roup of men emerging from t

ey threw him into a dimly lit room, the door slamming shut behind h

aid, their voice devoid of emotio

refused to believe that his father and Edgar would set him up. If they wanted him dead so much, why didn't they just kill him back at the mansion, wh

er asked, trying to keep his vo

d on the floor. Xavier's anger grew.

ed forward. "Your father wants you

s father had ordered his own son's

trying to stall for ti

lity. And after we're done with you,

ast expression, he didn't want this to happen, but had no choice as he had to follow his father's orders.. a low-level mafia member is a pawn, a chesspiece t

with this," Xavier said, tryi

e will. Your father has paid us wel

o think of something, anything

o use. They dragged him out of the room, Edgar's lifeless body following behind. They had killed Edg

one of the captors sneered. "Yo

My father will make sure of it." Till now, he ch

ne who ordered this. You're just a pawn i

rived in with Edgar. The captors tossed Xavier in

egged, "Don't do th

d. "You're going to be

ar, the smell of gasoline filling the air. X

med, thrashing against his

s rang out. A gang fight had erupted nearby, the so

the captors exclaimed,

found its way to the car, pi

, while his captors were blown away to kingdoms come. Xavier's screams were d

d, his voice hoarse

e flames engulfed them,

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1 Chapter 1 Outcast2 Chapter 2 Betrayed3 Chapter 3 Alive again and system4 Chapter 4 Level Up5 Chapter 5 A new life awaits6 Chapter 6 Ambush the Hale Family7 Chapter 7 Face off with Marco8 Chapter 8 Caught9 Chapter 9 Far from over10 Chapter 10 Leaving the LaGraine11 Chapter 11 Recruitment12 Chapter 12 Early days13 Chapter 13 I died as well14 Chapter 14 Sinful Act15 Chapter 15 Broken Soul16 Chapter 16 It begins17 Chapter 17 Divine Judgement18 Chapter 18 It's not me19 Chapter 19 New Addition20 Chapter 20 Bloody Picnic21 Chapter 21 Bloodlust22 Chapter 22 Bring me his head23 Chapter 23 Firefight24 Chapter 24 Where25 Chapter 25 World Message26 Chapter 26 New Era27 Chapter 27 Absolution28 Chapter 28 Know my name29 Chapter 29 Begone30 Chapter 30 It's done31 Chapter 31 Fatherly Love32 Chapter 32 Prepare for War33 Chapter 33 Xavier's New Company34 Chapter 34 Plans35 Chapter 35 Rykhard36 Chapter 36 Web of deceit37 Chapter 37 Order's Secret38 Chapter 38 Shadow Broker39 Chapter 39 The Syndicate40 Chapter 40 Manipulation41 Chapter 41 Seeking Help42 Chapter 42 Long Road Ahead43 Chapter 43 Phoenix Legacy44 Chapter 44 Nadia45 Chapter 45 Who are you46 Chapter 46 Desperate Measures47 Chapter 47 My Childhood48 Chapter 48 Welcome Aboard49 Chapter 49 Blessed By The Gods50 Chapter 50 A Prince51 Chapter 51 First Victory52 Chapter 52 A Trap53 Chapter 53 Ambushed54 Chapter 54 Victory Against Germania55 Chapter 55 The Age-long Prophecy56 Chapter 56 Return Home57 Chapter 57 Clean this up58 Chapter 58 Fierce Duel59 Chapter 59 Town60 Chapter 60 Illusion61 Chapter 61 Captured62 Chapter 62 Thank Heavens63 Chapter 63 A Long Journey Ahead64 Chapter 64 Training and Bounty65 Chapter 65 Brewing Storm