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Whispers of Lust

Chapter 2 Lily

Word Count: 1972    |    Released on: 02/11/2024

let go of my fear and nervousness. So when my friend Dominique told me about this guy she knew w

if he got freaky with strangers a lot. His only reply was asking when we could meet and fuck. Dominique described him to me, and he sounded delicious, so when

d a mind of its own. I was daydreaming about getti

it nervous so I figured meeting him on my lunch break was the safest bet. I co

ale desk clerk asked if my name was Lily. I told her it was. She then gave me a ro

the table with a dozen white roses. There was also a blindfold on the table and a small note. The note rea

nd I had discussed it on the phone. But I thought the

I couldn't see a thing and my knees were trembling. I figured I would gain an interesting memor

nlocked the door. When he entered the room, so did the strong sensual scent of his c

at a bit then rep

down. He was so close I could feel his breath on my cheek when he said, "Dominique

advantage here because I have no idea what you look li

d, "This is all part of my fantasy, Lily. Having a woman make love to me who h

ole mystery man thing. I told him it was cool, and he asked me to lie back on the bed w

n the nightstand beside the bed. I could hear him tuning

lease tell me when it's like thirty minutes later." Zan

d wondering if he was a lame fuck or a three-minute type because he didn't seem worried about th

es. Then he placed it in my left hand. I could feel him straddle me and start to unbutton my blouse.

e reason, I was beginning to feel more comfortable. There was something about

If he didn't hurry this up, there would be no fucking for us at all. I told him to hurry up

Zane began to rub the lotion into my skin like he was a masseuse. He started by digging his fingers gently into the small of my back, moving outward to th

bed. Then he poured more lotion and gave me a

massaged the whole front of my body, from my feet way up to my hips and to my stomach

ing yourself?" All I could do was hum yes

ger, pulled it back toward the lips of my pussy then caresse

n to me. I moaned so loud and my body shook so much, I thought I might faint. I was still recovering

s coming back, and I didn't give a shit about the time anymore. I w

stand, but couldn't find it. I took the blindfold off by the fourth ring and picked it up. It was the

wn to the lobby. The clerk handed me the note, and she smiled a bit, probably because she no

enjoyed yourself because I know I did. You deserve to be treated like a queen every day just like today, an

e, but she said she was in a meeting with her boss and said she'd talk later.

er car, but there was also another car in her driveway. I hesitated at first cause I thought she might be getting her freak on with a new man as usual, but I decided this couldn't wa

ow. I was beginning to turn around and leave but sudde

her baby brother, Maxton. I had not seen him in nine years since he joined the military. The last time I saw him he was tall

of his cologne was a dead giveaway. His breath on my cheek was all too familiar. When he finally did speak, it was not in the wimpy

front door. I was still in shock. No wonder he felt so familiar. He was

r to set me up with you because I have always been in love with you since I was nine years old and first started thinking about girls.

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