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Betrayed: Using My Ex's Brother For Revenge

Betrayed: Using My Ex's Brother For Revenge


Chapter 1 cover it up.

Word Count: 1365    |    Released on: 01/11/2024

ll of tears. "After everything I've don

You're an ugly, useless woman Des. You forced me into this engagement when I said I wanted n

etting herself think twice she lifted her ha

emotions had just controlled her actions, something she'd sworn she'd never a

getic after I caught you cheating on me and then you try to insult me like I brough

roat, but she couldn't cry, she couldn't let him know how much t

e tension lining his shoulders. "Did you actually think a man like me would be interested in a slip of a woman like you? I told you I didn't want this en

over her mouth to stop the sobs that'd been threatening to burst out of her s

s showed them hugging or on the rare occasion kissing, their faces were permanently frozen in sti

hen even her parents advised against it, she'd been the one to delude herself into th

d memories they'd shared, she could get him to love her the way she l

pictures were, spread out on the bed of their hotel room. "You're right, I was stupid to believe we co

Imagine what it'd look like when the news comes out, it'll r

d by his words. "When you've been cheating on me for months!

ease. "Can you imagine the field day the tabloids would have if our split hit the media? Not to mention if the reason for our split ever got out. Besides, what's a lit

ie! I don't care if your image or the image of this company is ruined! I

abbed her by the throat. She gagged and stared up at him fearfully as he presse

d you won't cause a scene. We'll get married and you'll play the role of a smiling and perfect wife, you'll give me as many heirs as I need. It's either you do this, or I swear to all that is

h stronger than her and much more powerful. He could bring down her family's business, he could make it

ountry, he had ties to the government and like other executives in the country, he had ties to underground networks of criminals that

ew money family. She didn't have half of his influence, reach or wealth. Their

ere and she realise

?" He asked again, squeezing h

ly and he instan

she coughed violently as tears o

over the bruising and wipe away your tears. We'll have dinner in two days where I'll introduce you and the family

er lip to keep from lashing out at

d down at her. "Remember Des, it's my image you stand to ruin, I'm already a laughingstock becau



. She stood up with her head still bowed and remained frozen in place u

she could. She folded the clothes that she'd initially angrily tos

ir tussle, she sat in front of the vanity and pic

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1 Chapter 1 cover it up.2 Chapter 2 be more assertive.3 Chapter 3 step-mother4 Chapter 4 drown your sorrows5 Chapter 5 the dinner from hell 1.6 Chapter 6 the dinner from hell 2.7 Chapter 7 emotions breed irrationality8 Chapter 8 the premiere9 Chapter 9 blackmail10 Chapter 10 let's use each other11 Chapter 11 a new fiancé.12 Chapter 12 the party & the after party.13 Chapter 13 blonde bully14 Chapter 14 switching positions15 Chapter 15 It's Okay to Feel16 Chapter 16 the Prince17 Chapter 17 the 'engaged' couple18 Chapter 18 thinly veiled threats19 Chapter 19 pariah20 Chapter 20 she reminds me of me21 Chapter 21 the first incident22 Chapter 22 consider it23 Chapter 23 tea with a bored prince24 Chapter 24 making a statement25 Chapter 25 welcoming the royals26 Chapter 26 the new secretary27 Chapter 27 the precious'28 Chapter 28 smoke break on the balcony29 Chapter 29 you have a fiancée30 Chapter 30 daddy issues31 Chapter 31 what's wrong 32 Chapter 32 no other choice33 Chapter 33 out with the Prince34 Chapter 34 the former employee35 Chapter 35 the night at the opera 136 Chapter 36 the night at the opera 237 Chapter 37 the night at the opera 338 Chapter 38 beyond corrupt39 Chapter 39 the red-haired mob boss40 Chapter 40 two advantages41 Chapter 41 the first major blow42 Chapter 42 the return of the Prince43 Chapter 43 red boxes and flats44 Chapter 44 his response45 Chapter 45 how to sell a good love story46 Chapter 46 not that kind of person47 Chapter 47 too much, too soon48 Chapter 48 sticky fingers49 Chapter 49 what happened at clary's50 Chapter 50 let's move in together51 Chapter 51 aim & shoot52 Chapter 52 up at midnight53 Chapter 53 Trouble in Para-Dice54 Chapter 54 Tension & Feelings55 Chapter 55 The Second Incident56 Chapter 56 The Walls are Closing In57 Chapter 57 You Wondered Why58 Chapter 58 Only a Matter of Time59 Chapter 59 An Unexpected Turn of Events60 Chapter 60 A Bloody Statement61 Chapter 61 Dinner with a Mad Man62 Chapter 62 Rescued63 Chapter 63 A Favour for a Favour64 Chapter 64 The Third Time They Met65 Chapter 65 A Tip66 Chapter 66 Dead Men Tell No Tales67 Chapter 67 A Change in Conviction68 Chapter 68 The Flight to Medley69 Chapter 69 Mrs Tiffany Clinton70 Chapter 70 A Promise You Can't Keep71 Chapter 71 Evening Festivals 172 Chapter 72 Evening Festival 273 Chapter 73 Grey Building74 Chapter 74 Mother75 Chapter 75 Seacrest Confectionary76 Chapter 76 Bullet to the temple