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Intimate with CEO

Chapter 4 she forgot someone

Word Count: 1405    |    Released on: 27/10/2024

stood for a long moment with her eyes closed, concentrating. Over the sound of the water she heard the buzz of a dragonfly. Suddenly something snapped behind her, as if a thin twig had been

il. Daisy felt her cheeks heat. "What did you ask for?" "That's private." "Knowing you as I do, it could be anything." "You don't know me," Daisy said. It was maddening that she had been offered in marriage to the wrong man. It would be nothing more than a deal involving money and obligations. Disappointment and mutual contempt. Matthew would never have married her if it weren't for his interest in her father's company. "Perhaps not," Swift admitted. But the words rang false. He thought he knew exactly who she was. Their eyes met, measuring and challenging. "Being a legendary well," Swift continued, "I would hate to pass up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." He reached into his pocket briefly and produced a large silver coin. Daisy hadn't seen American money in ages. "You'll have to throw a pin in," she said. "I don't have one." "It's a five-dollar coin," Daisy said in disbelief. "You're not just going to throw it away, are you?" "I'm not going to throw it away. I'm going to make an investment. You'd better tell me the proper procedure. That's a lot of money to waste." "You're making fun of me." "I'm serious. I've never made a wish at a wishing well. I could use some help." He waited for Daisy to answer. When it became obvious that it wasn't coming, a hint of humor crept into his lips. "I'm going to throw it in anyway." Daisy cursed herself. Swift was making fun of her, but she couldn't help herself. A wish wasn't something to be wasted, especially when it was made with a five-dollar coin. She walked over to the well and said, "First, hold the coin in your palm until it's warm." Swift walked over to her side. "And then?" "Close your eyes and concentrate on the wish." She sounded mocking. "And it has to be a personal wish. It can't have anything to do with mergers or bank trusts." "I have other things on my mind besides business." Daisy gave him a skeptical look, and he surprised her with a brief smile. Had she ever seen him smile? Maybe once or twice. She had a vague memory of it, when his face had been so thin that it had seemed more like a grimace than a sign of joy. But now the smile was natural, which made it seem both affable and seductive, and a rush of heat made her wonder what kind of man lurked behind that sober exterior. Daisy was relieved when the smile faded and he returned to his stony self. "Close your eyes," she reminded her. "Put everything out of your mind except the reque

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1 Chapter 1 As I thought2 Chapter 2 You could never3 Chapter 3 her own children4 Chapter 4 she forgot someone5 Chapter 5 What idea 6 Chapter 6 in the future7 Chapter 7 her sister's eyes8 Chapter 8 realities of the world9 Chapter 9 I'm afraid not10 Chapter 10 I think most people11 Chapter 11 Philosophical questions12 Chapter 12 murmured13 Chapter 13 don't be fooled14 Chapter 14 I'm not short15 Chapter 15 Lord Llandrindon16 Chapter 16 Miss Bowman17 Chapter 17 lists of numbers18 Chapter 18 said with a smile19 Chapter 19 In hand20 Chapter 20 should have fought21 Chapter 21 little devil22 Chapter 22 extreme desperation23 Chapter 23 I promise24 Chapter 24 never be that cruel25 Chapter 25 Go back to the doctor26 Chapter 26 I just want27 Chapter 27 you back to New York28 Chapter 28 friend considered29 Chapter 29 the motivation30 Chapter 30 reluctant smile31 Chapter 31 sensual and tender32 Chapter 32 he remembered33 Chapter 33 The bed isn't that high34 Chapter 34 What is it35 Chapter 35 like your kisses36 Chapter 36 her sister to object37 Chapter 37 I just wanted38 Chapter 38 Do you remember39 Chapter 39 I've missed you40 Chapter 40 have no reason to lie41 Chapter 41 neck stand up42 Chapter 42 Their relationship43 Chapter 43 I could lead you astray44 Chapter 44 he stepped forward45 Chapter 45 His father46 Chapter 46 I had neither47 Chapter 47 suspect Swift48 Chapter 48 control of her emotions49 Chapter 49 never see you again50 Chapter 50 His friends51 Chapter 51 Lillian protested52 Chapter 52 her husband53 Chapter 53 England54 Chapter 54 That's why you're here55 Chapter 55 Akin's voice calling me56 Chapter 56 Because I don't understand57 Chapter 57 You know I won't58 Chapter 58 I don't care59 Chapter 59 first one in the salon