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Against the odds, A love that Conquered all

Against the odds, A love that Conquered all

Author: Gojoe Dsek


Word Count: 966    |    Released on: 26/09/2024


The F

f one of the wealthiest businessmen in the city, Emily had lived a life of luxury and privilege. Everything had always come easy for her-except, perhaps, for the sense of r

something-or rather, som

ofessor. He was unassuming, with an air of quiet intensity. His worn-out clothes and unkempt hair starkly contrasted with the designer brands and polished appearances of those around

waiting for him. He was there because his future depended on it. Coming from a poor family, he knew this was his only shot

in the same class. He wasn't like anyone she knew-everyone in her world was wealthy, confident, and groomed to perfection. Jacob was none of t

with anyone. But as he made his way to the door, his bag strap snapped, spilling his books onto

ent down to help him

u," she offered, her

ve easily walked by like the others-kneeling next to him. He wasn't used to at

k into his bag. He was embarrassed-not just by the situation, but by the stark contrast

ing him the last of his notebooks. "That strap looks pretty

especially not with someone like Emily. But there was something about her tha

e the conversation, the professor approached them. He gave Emily a poli

n doing quite well in my class. Impr

er eyebrows in surprise. Clearly, Jacob wasn't just focused-he was exce

wn the hall, leaving them

stuff, aren't you?" Emily

t... I have to be. No

imple statement, but it spoke volumes. Emily, who had alwa

let me know," Emily offered, surprising even herself. She wasn't sure why she wa

nks, but I think I'm good. I'm

sed. "I can see that. W

asn't sure what to make of Emily's kindness, but he couldn't shake the feeling that their brief interaction had b

focused, he couldn't help but notice her, too. They hadn't spoken much since that first conversation, but there

it then, but that moment in the lecture hall would be the first step on a long and winding journey, one that wou

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