Secretary and CEO
ers and that the little dog here will follow them. The idea of ​​a fake relationship is more ridiculous than the plots in the books. that I read. - I'm amazed that you know about
tting my name?I was whining like a miserable woman. A guy sitting next to me mentioned that my name was beautiful. I smiled gratefully, taking a sip of my drink and feeling Amber hold my hand. "Your name is beautiful, my friend. That jerk can't even remember the names of the women he sleeps with." That was true, but I wasn't one of the women he slept with. I was his assistant, who helped him most of the day. He should be thankful that I exist. "He just likes to play with my face, but I put him in his place," I celebrated, proud of myself. When a person gets tired of being beaten up, they need to fight back. "Was he very cruel to you when he sent you away?" Amber asked in a drunken voice. She was good with drinks, she had two more drinks than me. "I was cruel, I quit." "Wow, I didn't expect that kind of attitude from you." "Maybe I got tired of being humiliated or maybe I went crazy. What am I going to do with my life now, my friend?" - Calm down, we're going to get you a new job. But today, you need to get what's bothering you out and have a lot of fun. - You're right, give me one more of those - I asked the bartender, showing my empty glass. He was kind and nice to look at, and he looked sexy when he winked at me. I can't flirt with the bartender, because he'd probably just stay with me out of pity. How many women don't come by here, lamenting their lives only to be comforted by him? - How is he without me? Have you found another assistant yet? - I looked at Amber, who was twirling a strand of her brown hair while flirting with a guy. He was sitting at a table with his friends and seemed to be smiling at her. - I didn't hear that your position was available - she commented thoughtfully. This makes me happy and curious. Has Edward already found someone in secret or is he simply missing me and finding me irreplaceable? The second option was too lame, even for me. "Of course he is, Edward can't do anything by himself. I even had to order his food." I rolled my eyes, remembering how incompetent that twenty-eight-year-old man was with some things. I also can't blame him f