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A Life of St. John for the Young

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 785    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

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age to the Holy City. When the time came for James to accompany him, John's interest would increase as he heard his brother's story; and much more when he could say, "Next year I too shall see it all." And when at last he, probably the youngest of the five Bethsaidan boys, could be one of the company, a day of gladness indee

before when Joshua led the hosts of Israel between the divided waters; and when Elijah smote them with his mantle, and there was a p

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and the Holy House-the Temple of God, with which in after years he was to become familiar. There he saw for himself of what he had often heard;

n a heathen city, surrounded by idolatry, he had received a Jewish training in his home and in the synagogue school, until he was old enough to go to Jerusalem to be trained to become a Rabbi. Like John he had learned much of the Old Testament Scriptures, but it does not appear that he had the special influences which we have imagined gave direction to the thoughts and plans of t

would some day meet as friends indeed. It is more probable that they worshiped together in the temple at the feast, receiving the same

is a life of honest toil, a comfort in their old age, a sharer in their prosperity, and an heir to their home and what they would leave behind. They little think that he will be remembered when kings of their day are forgotten; that two thousand years after, lives of him will be written be

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