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Entwined Forever


Word Count: 1017    |    Released on: 21/09/2024



led with a soft, shimmering light that seemed to dance across her skin. Th

he realm. They walked through a forest of crystal

ng from crystal to a deep, rich blue. The air was filled with the sweet scent of

d an enormous crystal palace. The palace shimmered an

hall filled with crystal statues. The statues seemed to come to lif

e shrouded in shadows. As they approached, the figure stood, revealin

said, her voice like music.

ash over her. She knew that she had en

ng for something hidden deep within. Emily felt a shiver run dow

asked, her voice ba

eze. "And you, Emily, are a curious soul. You have entered this Realm uninvite

nsure of what to say. But Alexander

"Emily's memories of our life together ha

and for a moment, Emily thought she

gether. Very well, I shall grant you an audience, and we

ox from thin air. The box was made of a material Emily had neve

said, her eyes glinting with mischief.

ation. What kind of riddle could possibly unlo

of her hand, and it seemed to be made of a smooth, silver material. The box was a

y asked, her voice full o

ly smile spreading across her face. "But the an

never held? What can be

ught about the riddle, turning it over in her m

omise," Emily said,

d," she said. "A promise is indeed the

saw a glowing, crystal orb. The orb seemed to pulsate with an o

ore your memories of your life with Alexander. But be warned

a touch of fear. What would she remember

racing with anticipation. The Queen's riddle echoed in h

d to herself, her fingers tracing the intricate carv

shivers down her spine. Their eyes met, and Emily's soul seemed to dance

orizon, the answer dawned on her. "A promise

ng with delight. "Well done, my dear," she said, her voi

crystal orb that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy. Emily

ious. "It will restore your memories of your life with Alexander. But b

her fingers trembling with anticipation. What secrets wou

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