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Entwined Hearts: A Billionaire Romance 

Chapter 10 CHAP 9.2

Word Count: 1566    |    Released on: 23/09/2024

ee paid no attention. Jasmine leaned her head against Jayla's shoulder, and her chest rose and fell to some uneven, slow rhy

tains in the last rays of the sun. This cast the room into a warm, hazy light, yet as

like hours-but she didn't mind. It was quiet. Jasmine hadn't said much since her conversation upstairs, and that was okay. Jayla c

, torn between staying here and whatever the notification was on her screen. Jayla follows the glance, her ey

ile peace between them. She padded silently out of the living room, heart still


ring over the screen as she stared at the phone in

ll come and pick you up at 7. Hop

back of her mind all day. Now that it was here, she was torn. She didn't want to leave her sisters, not after everything that had gone on. Then she thought of Brock- his e


ran through her; she pocketed her ph

gundy silk clung softly to her figure, its neckline swooping across her collarbone in elegance. The hem caressed her knees with light airiness, quietl

he color pop, a berry-tinted gloss on her lips. It was subtle and beautiful, and for a second, she felt the tan

-small hoops of gold that glittered in the light and danced softly against

ll, her mind escaping to Jasmine. Jayla had told her to go-that she a

r door. Jayla slipped inside, her

in a smile as she took Jade's outfit in. "The men

g a lock of hair around her

"We all need to breathe a little. Jasmine's sleeping now, and I a

ng her arms about Jayla and hugged her tight

. The building was old, yet timeless, with tall arched windows spilling golden light out onto the night to illuminate the sidewalk

came around the car to meet her, his eyes widening fractionally as he took her in. He was clad in a navy blue suit,

as he searched for the word,

ike a soft breeze. "You're not so bad yourself," she teased lig

ook it, the two of them movin

The air vibrated with the murmur of con

eaming, polished marble floors underfoot. These walls are lined with works of art- vibrant, abstract,

matically set for each painting, with its s

the next while hushed tones spoke word

swirl together in some stormy sea. He turned to her then, his voice low and warm. "*Untamed Currents*-th

he colors pulsed with energy, raw, harnessed just enough to contai

lines of her face. "So are you," he whispered, voice low, w

pace seemed to yawn between them as if the energy from the paintings ha

conversations. Painting seemed to be telling a story, and Brock had this w

Jade found herself leaning in, laughing at his obs

ted into reds, and streaks of gold threaded through almost like veins of light formed a riot of color across th

hers as they both stared at the painting. "It's my

nd. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest, her pulse racing

had been a feeling of suspended animation, as though they'd been

ght, tentative, yet sure. He turned towards her; his eyes bored into hers,

thing but silence except f

ve thought. "Thank you," she whispered. Emotion threaded her voice with


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1 Chapter 1 CHAP. 12 Chapter 2 CHAP .23 Chapter 3 CHAP. 34 Chapter 4 CHAP. 45 Chapter 5 CHAP. 56 Chapter 6 CHAP. 67 Chapter 7 CHAP. 78 Chapter 8 CHAP. 89 Chapter 9 CHAP. 9.110 Chapter 10 CHAP 9.211 Chapter 11 CHAP 10.112 Chapter 12 CHAP 10.213 Chapter 13 CHAP 11.114 Chapter 14 CHAP 11.215 Chapter 15 CHAP 1216 Chapter 16 CHAP 13.117 Chapter 17 CHAP 13.218 Chapter 18 CHAP 14.119 Chapter 19 CHAP 14.220 Chapter 20 CHAP 15.121 Chapter 21 CHAP 15.222 Chapter 22 CHAP 1623 Chapter 23 CHAP 1724 Chapter 24 CHAP 18.125 Chapter 25 CHAP 18.226 Chapter 26 CHAP 19.127 Chapter 27 CHAP 19.228 Chapter 28 CHAP 2029 Chapter 29 CHAP 2130 Chapter 30 CHAP 2231 Chapter 31 CHAP 23.132 Chapter 32 CHAP 23.233 Chapter 33 CHAP 2434 Chapter 34 CHAP 25.135 Chapter 35 CHAP 25.236 Chapter 36 CHAP 2637 Chapter 37 CHAP 2738 Chapter 38 CHAP 2839 Chapter 39 CHAP 2940 Chapter 40 CHAP 3041 Chapter 41 CHAP 3142 Chapter 42 CHAP 3243 Chapter 43 CHAP 3344 Chapter 44 CHAP 3445 Chapter 45 CHAP 3546 Chapter 46 CHAP 3647 Chapter 47 CHAP 37.148 Chapter 48 CHAP 37.249 Chapter 49 CHAP 37.350 Chapter 50 CHAP 37.451 Chapter 51 CHAP 38.152 Chapter 52 CHAP 38.253 Chapter 53 CHAP 3954 Chapter 54 CHAP 40.155 Chapter 55 CHAP 40.256 Chapter 56 CHAP 41.157 Chapter 57 CHAP 41.258 Chapter 58 CHAP 42.259 Chapter 59 CHAP 42.360 Chapter 60 CHAP 4361 Chapter 61 CHAP 4462 Chapter 62 CHAP 45.163 Chapter 63 CHAP 45.264 Chapter 64 CHAP 4665 Chapter 65 CHAP 4766 Chapter 66 CHAP 4867 Chapter 67 CHAP 4968 Chapter 68 CHAP 5069 Chapter 69 CHAP 5170 Chapter 70 CHAP 5271 Chapter 71 CHAP 5372 Chapter 72 CHAP 5473 Chapter 73 CHAP 5574 Chapter 74 CHAP 5675 Chapter 75 CHAP 5776 Chapter 76 CHAP 5877 Chapter 77 CHAP 5978 Chapter 78 CHAP 6079 Chapter 79 CHAP 61