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Their Tale of Love

Chapter 6 FOUND

Word Count: 1506    |    Released on: 17/09/2024

, ladies first." Stephen replied. "Naw, you boys take a short while to shower so how 'bout you shower first. I can wait." Skye said sitting on the couch. They'd just finish two bowls

eck, as she soaped his stomach. He could feel his hard on growing steady. Skye maneuvered her way to his front and reached for his thighs, his hand held hers before she could feel his hard on. She looked at him as his eyes avoided hers, he knew; she had already felt it. His face was red all over. Skye looked at him and smiled mischievously, her eyes shining. "Uhm Skye...what are you thinking of." Stephen asked shifting away. "You'll see..." Skye said shifting towards him and sitting on his lap. The water was hot against her skin; she leaned in and kissed him. After a sec he returned her kiss. She broke the kiss, "How 'bout I take care of you and have a little fun now." Skye said grinding herself against him. "I don't know Skye, am not sure." Stephen said; a small groan escaped his mouth as she reached for his dick. "This guy doesn't think so." Skye said stroking it. "Hell, why not." He said loosing himself, ignoring every danger sign, and pain in his shoulder. He kissed her plunging his tongue deep into her mouth. Their tongues were fighting for space, he reached for her bra and she helped him unclasp it and flung it on the floor. He reached for her breast and massaged them, kneading his hands into them. Skye moaned loudly into his mouth, he reached for her panties an

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sked sitting down next to her. "Your papa went with some people to look for Skye and Stephan, oh and your breakfasts on the table. "Mama, its Stephen, not Stephan." Cal said collecting his breakfast. He ate and finished up. "Gracias mama." Carlos said dropping his plate in the dishwasher. "Si." His mother rep

put on her clothes, and moved to the living room. She saw a mug and a small

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s for some loose change and put a penny inside and took the receiver and was about to dial his mom's number when he froze. He scratched his head and tried to remember a number but

Just then, Tracy's phone rang, "Hello?" she answered, "Tracy, it's me, Stephen." The voice answered. "Stephen, where are you, your family just came asking about you." Tracy said as the grouped turned at the mention of his name. "Oh, please don't let them leave. I need help; my car ran into the woods just about ten kilometers to south village." Stephen said. "Okay, is a girl with you?" Tracy asked. "Yes, Skye is with me." Stephen answered. "Okay, wait there, I'm coming with help." Tracy said. She

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