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The Hidden Heirs

Chapter 4 The Revelation

Word Count: 1021    |    Released on: 14/09/2024

s painted vivid images in his mind. "June 5, 1992. The syndicate is growing stronger. Our influence stretches across New Haven City. But with power comes danger. We must be vigilant. Trust is

ped us hide you. He's been watching over you, waiting for the right time." "The right time for what?" Alex demanded. "For you to reclaim your family's legacy," Robert said quietly. "To take your rightful place." Alex stared at them, his world spinning out of control. "Why now? Why tell me all this now?" "Well we didn't want you to find out like this but we trust you can able what comes next," murmured Helen, her voice shaking. "You have the strength to deal with the reality." Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door. Alex spun around, feeling his heart beating rapidly. Heading towards the door, he turned the knob and discovered a tall, intimidating man with sharp gray eyes waiting outside. "Is that Mr. Johnson?" Alex asked in a barely audible voice.He didn't understand where but he recognized the man down to the mole on his left cheek. "It's time for you to discover your true self," Mr. Johnson stated, his eyes steady. Alex stepped aside, letting him in. "What do you mean?" Mr. Johnson walked into the living room, his presence commanding. "Your parents were extraordinary people, Alex. They built an empire. It's time for you to understand your heritage." Alex felt a mixture of fear and determination. "I've read about the syndicate. But I don't know where to start." "That's why I'm here," Mr. Johnson said. "To guide you. To help you navigate this world." Helen stepped forward, her voice pleading. "Please, be careful. The people who wanted your parents dead are still out there. They'll come for you too." "I'm not afraid," Alex said, his voice steady. "I need to know the truth. All of it." Mr. Johnson nodded. "Then we begin now. Your parents left you a legacy. Not just wealth, but connections, allies, and ene

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