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Broken Addiction


Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 14/09/2024

re relaxed at their various villages. The festive mood was still on. Despite the fact that many had gone for the Christmas celebrations, Lagos was still booming with activiti

e known for the one value th

p in the sky, although the afternoon was a hot one, the trees made it a little possible for fresh air to thrive to and fro. Aside the fact th

y would pass, and as days turned into weeks, her love for masturbating kept on growing. Anyway she didn't engage in the act proved f

to be present since it was an invitation made to the adults in church. The event hel

different brands. The host speaker was an ordained priest, bearing the

omen, dignitaries and adults at that. But, it doesn't mean we shouldn't accord ourselves the respect of keeping calm, as an act of deco

gain" he paused, lookin

l be a fruitful one". Tiny whispers of "amen" could be heard from the crowd. "I also thank you all for leaving your comfort zones to be present here. Indeed, I know for you peopl

ers. To be honest my people, our teenagers are our hope for the future. If we don't learn how to manag

chorused, urging

ectful, some are engaging in hideous acts, some are into cultism. Please, when I said hideous acts, I mean unhealthy relati

eventually got a female friend, because she had no idea what the world was like, she became a victim of being a lesbian. The girl I'm talking about is now an adult, in her early twenties. I am not saying our children shouldn't be prevented from going out carelessly, but please, allow them socialize, at the same time inculcate good morals. Spend time with them. A lot of you sitting down here maintain very bad rel

i concluded, leaving the stage. Mr. Dominic felt the message was addressed to

. Dominic hailed hi

smiling. "I'm bouncing as you can see

g well, but, you are lo

t the priest said concerning the upbringin

t. We are not around at all times to know what our children are doing in secrecy. It all goes to the training we give them", Dr. Godw

he issue, and resolved to changing their decision

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