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Word Count: 1275    |    Released on: 11/09/2024

ing. Because of her newly developed senses, everything around her looked to be alive and pulsating. She felt a connection to t

man and the beast was the next level of her training. It had nothing to do with subduing h

uthoritative tone of Elias's

ad because this was unfamiliar ground. But, she was determined to understand and come to terms wit

battle." You're learning to live with your wolf, not battle it. Pa

llowed it to lead her into a peaceful mood. She felt it as she went along-her wolf, waiting just below the surface as she was doing

round her. She detected the smells of the moist ground, moss and pine, and the far-off odor of animals concealed in the undergr

face unreadable. "You're doing we

d to her wolf, and that feeling of power both excited and scared her. She move

itself was guiding her as if the faraway sounds and the rustle of leaves were a part of her. She was star

h an underlying bitterness that made her skin tingle, was what Luna detecte

saw her shift, his eyes becomi

se voice, "Someone's nea

es darkene

was coming from the west, near a cluster of thick pine

he ordered i

e forest floor. As they neared the trees, the air grew stronger and took on a new, disturbi

closer to the trees. He held something in his hands, a small metallic object

breathed, her gaze

leaving the man, "I don't know

n wild. "They know I'm here. They'll kill me if they find me

Elias demanded,

desperate shake of his head. "They'll

about the device, about the man's panic, felt wrong. Unkno

the man by the arm. "Who are yo

ed with a roar. Luna turned around, trying to find the

It was gigantic, with strange, twisted features and frightening crim

at her to fight or run. But the sheer terror of the beast in fron

d, shoving her out of the

her instincts and ducked to the side, missing the creature's sharp claws.

ess against the beast's tremendous power. She knew she had to help

her body changing, more quickly than she could understand. Her muscles coiled with strength she had neve

brain in Luna withdrew and gave way to the wolf's instincts. She fought

erful lunge that tore through flesh and muscle. The beast let out one more, roar b

to regain herself. Her adrenaline had begun to wear off, and she felt uneasy and di

oment, his eyes full of conc

She could feel the weight of what had

ry called for their attention. His eyes wide with fear, he looked

ic, "They'll come for you too." "Yo

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