500 Days in a Black Hole
aters that flowed across the city from the Aberdares towards the Indian Ocean throughout the year and a national park that was home to thousands of species were some of the reasons this team
ice under their caps; others went to the natural parks for shade. The afternoons witnessed little traffic on the road. People were always countable at this time, but towards the
world. If you were new there, you would think the two were lovebirds. The way they were throwing water at each other and laughing as they played in the pool could be used as evidence of their love
run. It was the outcome of the presidential race of one of the three world superpowers, the Federal States Union. This superpower had a great influence on the world econo
ll became silent. The radio had stopped playing the music for a live broadcast. They all knew that the outcome of the election would greatly impact the policies governing the ad
president of the Federal States Union. His opponent conceded defeat, and Presi
m back to the scene where, as a kid, he witnessed his parents die in front of his eyes. How he got into a Red Cross plane he never remembered. He restored his smile the mo
would never hurt human beings. She believed that this was the right man to lead a superpower. She had hope that
people whom he trusted most and had a heart full of hopes in betrayed him and never wanted to help him after he lost both of his parents, he affirmed to see before believing w
nes to be seen. His abdomen was hairy and could be seen from afar due to his brown complexion. Some beards had begun growing on his chin, and he had dyed his hair with a
to the traps of his heart. Her vivid brown eyes wandered on her brilliant blonde spotless face as she avoided direct eye contact with Tearless, who was staring at her. She left her hair on her shoulders as she rushed to the chan